Goobybye snapcraft <3


Stone Miner
Hey. So im here to say a sad bit of news: Im quitting snapcraft. Now, im not sure if its eternally or just for long or short period of time just yet, but its just getting a bit boring, and im going to try to focus on bigger things.So, all I want to say is thank you, Snapcraft and all of its supportive users, for having me here for nearly two years, and I really enjoyed my stay, but as everything around me moves on, as should I.

If you would like to stay in touch, reach out to me on social media:

Discord: Apollo#2855
Twitter: @VPG7_Apollo

Ily all lots <3

p.s If I know you from Creative please leave a comment below of your name and ill add you to my wall of friends, scared I haven't got everyone


Zombie Killer
Oh... goodbye Jake.... We will all miss you! Remember that if you need anyone or anything to turn back too Snapcraft will always be here for you... :-( <3

See you around :-(


Iron Miner
I didn't really know you, but goodbye :-(


Void Walker
I know we haven't met, but good luck in the future.


Staff member
Please add me! Ihn: GuardeYard :-D I'm on your profile pic.
Goodbye, hope to see you soon again. Goodluck!


Zombie Killer
Good Luck in the future and Hope the future serves you well! (y):-D8-|