

Tree Puncher
Even though my time here was short I am quitting SC in 2 days. (If I knew this was gonna happen I probably wouldn't have bought VIP+ on survival) There are many reasons that go into why I am quitting but the main one is that I need to focus more on my job and other such things. The other reason is that the toxicity of Survival is soooo much worse than CSGO and it's so unbearable to be in that server for more than an hour I answer alot of questions that new people ask while the helpers are doing god knows what. I also see a lot of ranks luring new people to be killed for there sponge *cough VIP+ and up *cough* and I try my hardest to help but its impossible. So thanks for the great (and horrible) memories SC. I will never forget you. (also you may see me rarely in survival after this as I didn't spend 30 for nothing)
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Gold Miner
Awe. Sucks to see you leave, I wish you the best of luck in the future.


Tree Puncher
The feeling of wasted money has hit me like a train B(


Zombie Killer
Its a shame you feel this way. I have always liked you. You come across kind of strong at first but only when people don't know you. You have always been very helpful that I have seen and its a shame that you will be leaving. In a place where a thousand people can be on several servers at once it is not always possible for us staff to be in all places at one exact time. That is why we love seeing folks like yourself offering advice to knew players as a fellow player. It is also a huge shame when they leave. I think the only reason toxicity exists is because the toxic like everyone to think they are very popular when in reality their only friends are just a few and just as toxic and loud as they are. Remember though the scammers, the toxic, the bullies, and the bad always get what they deserve at some point. They sow seeds of bad and when its time for harvest it will be bountiful, ironic, and harsh.
I wish you luck in your future. I hope your job brings you many good things into your life. I look forward to seeing you when you are on. If anything, in passing.


Blaze Estinguisher
Aww, I hope you will discover your great adventure. Good bye.


Staff member
I wish you the best of luck with your job and such, sad to see you leave on such bad terms but I hope you'll come back later on. :)