Graphic Designer


First Step
Hello Snapcrafters

My name is Matthew Robert Wotasek also known as ThatGraphic i am currently majoring in graphic design in college. Art and Minecraft are both things I love to do! I have just found your server and fell in love with it the whole presentation, environment and staff its a great server and can't wait for future updates. Since being an artist looks are important to me and i feel from the landscape in game and website/logo is all there. Not sure if you need anymore graphic artists but i would love to help out anyway i can especially on this server. If you would like to see a portion of my work please feel free to look and ask as many questions as you want just click the link below <--------

My email for further questions in the future:
[email protected]


Zombie Killer
ooh nice


Tree Puncher
wow majoring in art and graphic designing?! that's awesome!! lol I would probably end up majoring in eating xD good luck with everything dude!!! :-P :-D :)


First Step
wow majoring in art and graphic designing?! that's awesome!! lol I would probably end up majoring in eating xD good luck with everything dude!!! :-P :-D :)
haha but yeah I'm majoring in graphic design and since its hard finding jobs in this but I'm a mason so i also have a building experience so i guess thats why i just like minecraft haha!


Hey! awesome portfolio really impressed in your work! keep up the hard work! Hopefully bump into you on minecraft :)