Hello Everyone! Let me introduce myself


First Step
Hey guys, my IGN is Chad_Bonogees and I'm new here. I've known about this server for over 8 months now, but just started playing it last night. My friend ReneeRamsey72 told me about this server back in December of 2016, but I was too lazy to actually try it out until last night when I got extremely bored and finally gave it a try.

I got addicted to this server the second I started playing it. I enjoy playing this server so much that I went from level 1 to level 50 in the first 24 hours of me joining. The main servers that I play on are Survival and KitPvP.

My background on minecraft: I started playing minecraft in 2011, and I've been competitively PvPing since 2013. In 2014 I started playing competitive PotPvP and HCF and was fortunate enough to be able to play along side with some of the best HCF players of all time. I eventually got good enough to the point where I was able to beat people like Latanci and Apaxy (HCF YouTubers), and at my best got to 1,650 elo on Kohi before it shut down (RIP).

I kept Pvping and playing HCF competitively up until around last year when I started college, and didn't have the time anymore to spend hours everyday Pvping.

After I finished my first year of college, I tried to get back into competitive PotPvP/HCF but ended up finding out that many of the people I used to play with quit, and the community became even more toxic than it was last year, so I decided to finally quit HCF and competitive PotPvP and try and find a more peaceful, less competitive server, with a nicer community where I can lay back and calmly play without having to be constantly focused and Pvping, and this server is the perfect fit.

I still PvP quite often, but not nearly as much as I used too.

I also have a YouTube channel, where I used to upload competitive PotPvP montages, let's plays, and other PvP related videos. I will also be uploading videos on this server in the future.

This is my channel:



Gold Miner
Welcome to the forums!


Staff member
Welcome to the forums! I've already seen you on kitpvp :)


Skeleton Slayer
Welcome to Snapcraft! :-D


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to Snapcraft and the forums! Wow, that probably fastest level up I ever had seen. O_o