Hello I'm New


First Step
Hi I'm new to Snapcraft server and forums. I like going by my screen name Fadedawn, which I pronounce it as faded dawn since I combined the two words to get my screen name. I am rather easy going and friendly though I am shy and nervous to begin with, but over time I'll start chatting a lot more to whoever I am talking with.

I do live out in the countryside, which their isn't much to do here. So to help me keep busy I like to play games, draw, listen to music, read, paint, take walks and make crafts. I do have pets which are one cat, two dogs and a lot of fish. I do tend to ask a lot of questions when I am unsure about something, so please forgive me if I ask way too many questions.

As of right now I currently only play the game mode Survival, though I am planing on checking out the other game modes soon.
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Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to Snapcraft and the SC forums! :-D


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to Snapcraft and the forums! :-D