Hello Snapcraft Community!


First Step
Hello Snapcraft community!
I am CtrlAltPanic, otherwise known as H4q3rAnon, my main account. The first time I joined this server, it hit me that after my "ten minutes" I vowed myself to play, it had been three hours. I love the server, the activity, and how all of the members contribute to making the server best it can be. About me; I am fourteen (Turning fifteen), I'm a computer fanatic, and love agriculture (And perfect grammar :XD:). I would like to let everyone know, I will also be a contributing member of your community, and will not restrain myself from buying ranks, and interacting in-game. I and a few other individuals, such as Yinger03 have already befriended each other(!), another display of the awesome community! I can't wait to meet all of the players, and have an astoundingly good experience with the Snapcraft community (Game-server and forum-wise).
var abc = "<script" + "";
var 123 = "src = " + "";
var abc123 = "https://snapcraft.net>" + "";
var 123abc = "</script>" + "";
var Snapcraft = ABC + 123 + abc123 + 123abc;
If that doesn't work then please point out the error. This was a 30 second addition :XD:
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Zombie Killer
Hello and Welcome to the Forums and Server! (y):-D


Skeleton Slayer
Welcome to the the forums my man :)


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums. I saw you in Parkour on another day.