Hello Snapcraft People


First Step
Hello People Of Snapcraft, Well I'm not "New New" But I'm new to the forums, my 2 favorite servers are Earth Games And Lucky Block Brawl, If I had to choose however, Earth Games Would Have to be my favorite. This is if not the best one of the best, I really hope you can make Snapcraft the best server it can be.


Stone Miner
Welcome to the forums!


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to forums! Yes Snapcraft already and always be best server ever!


Gold Miner
Welcome to the forums. Ok, I've heard too many good things about Earth Games, I'm going to do it and pass by the Survival portal and head that way wish me luck. Man I'm such a noob outside of Survival...


Gold Miner
wow, finally tried Earth Games man that was a blast I'm hooked I can't wait to try again. I really like that game. Thanks for motivating me to finally try ))))

Owls will rule the world


Staff member
Welcome to the forums! :)