Hello there! I am death! (Not really, lol)


First Step
Hello, my name is James (AKA: TryAgain_115), and I am a player with a special talent of Minecraft Sumo, Which means that I can literally kill nearly about anybody by spinning around them and hit more than one at a time (Like a circle beating people.)
I will just get straight into myself.

I'm pessimistic, which means that my anger will rise if I see some BS about something false (Like how I got pissed for being banned off of Fire Resistance Potion while I was lagging hard... Which caused me to disconnect from the server without the character logging out... but burn for a really long time.). However! I am calm most of the time, which means that if you kill me in a Pvp zone. Then it's my fault for loosing my stuff. Whatever drops from me is yours. But if you have hacks. I am pretty sure somebody is going to die with my stuff you don't deserve.

I am a great person, I treat all my friends as an equal, however. If I see 2 of my friends not liking each other. Then I will back off and leave it to them. (But if you attack my Mollyboo, I will kill you.)

Oh, you wondered why I said "Mollyboo", well funny story. We both met on Hypixel and you know the rest..... Were mates. (Lol, go ahead and make fun all you want, not like you had a mate before.)

I mostly go on Skyblock, because it's the only fun thing to do... I sometimes goon ZombieV, and EarthGames.

I am also a furry, but don't mention it as much. Because I'm not the type of person who lets others know that I am one, I let them figure it out for themselves. (Like how a vegan lets everybody knows who they are. And I'm not vegan as well. Just giving an example.)

(Holy crap, I forgot to add this part XD)
I also played Minecraft for a very long time (Ever since the first day Minecraft was out), but since over time. I've gotten some of my accounts hacked (Usernames: Cry, NeverFail, Zebek911, tryagain)
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Skeleton Slayer
Welcome to the forums!


Staff member
I'm vegan and a furry :^) I just had to say this as you mentioned these two things xD owell.

Anyway, welcome to the forums! :)


Creeper Hugger
Welcome to the forums! I hope to see you on skyblock and earthgames sometime. :-D


Blaze Estinguisher
Hello, welcome to our amazing community forums! :)