

First Step
Hello! My name is Sofia but you can call me Sophie. My in game name is LittleSophie9. I chose snapcraft cause I love the community. I would still be playing on another server I played idk if I can say the name so I'm not just in case. So one day I was playing oh and keep this is mind I spent over 200 dollars on that server and I was the highest rank. One day I log on and almost the whole staff is on the skyblock server I play on. So I was reading chat to see what was happening. So I saw that my to favorite people on the server Stitchinq and NaturalError got muted for a year on the server! And the reason why is private staff won't say why witch is pretty weird. I think the owner was on at one point! There was this huge argument going on with the staff and the people. So some people like me took it to forums and made a post on why this is not fair. I named the post "(The server name And I can't say) Has been changed this year" I was saying that this is completely unfair if I was the owner I would kick all the staff that where useless and keep the ones that where dedicated. And bla bla bla I kept going I didn't say anything wrong but I guess you know it's 2017 and you can't a opinion. I go back on the server and 5 mins later I get PERM banned by the admin like really?!!? And other people got perm banned for the same reason and the reason was for "Starting a rebellion" so yea I was banned from forums to I sent a email to the server explaining that come on I know it's 2017 and you can't say opinions these days cause that's what humanity has turned into but perm banned I said! I never got a reply so I decided you know what I need to put that server aside cause they just lost a amazing player that's always buying things, helping people, and I was really committed to that server. So I was looking for new servers and this has to be my favorite so I'm joining it! And I would love to buy a rank but I don't wanna spend money so maybe another time some things about me are: I'm 11 years old. My fav color is pink. I am competitive dancer. Oh and I LOVEEEE Tyler Brown he's amazing if you don't know who he is search him up you will fall in loveeeee. Well that's it thank you so much if you made it all the way to the bottom of reading this! Peace.


Zombie Killer
Well then, sorry to hear the other server was not so kind. We welcome you(and your friends if they join) into the Snapcraft community. ^_^
I'm guessing you're a Skyblock player, if ya see me on don't be afraid to say "Hi." ;-)


Blaze Estinguisher
Hello, it is kind of hard to read. Anyways, welcome to the forums! This is amazing server! <3


Stone Miner
Hello! My name is Sofia but you can call me Sophie. My in game name is LittleSophie9. I chose snapcraft cause I love the community. I would still be playing on another server I played idk if I can say the name so I'm not just in case. So one day I was playing oh and keep this is mind I spent over 200 dollars on that server and I was the highest rank. One day I log on and almost the whole staff is on the skyblock server I play on. So I was reading chat to see what was happening. So I saw that my to favorite people on the server Stitchinq and NaturalError got muted for a year on the server! And the reason why is private staff won't say why witch is pretty weird. I think the owner was on at one point! There was this huge argument going on with the staff and the people. So some people like me took it to forums and made a post on why this is not fair. I named the post "(The server name And I can't say) Has been changed this year" I was saying that this is completely unfair if I was the owner I would kick all the staff that where useless and keep the ones that where dedicated. And bla bla bla I kept going I didn't say anything wrong but I guess you know it's 2017 and you can't a opinion. I go back on the server and 5 mins later I get PERM banned by the admin like really?!!? And other people got perm banned for the same reason and the reason was for "Starting a rebellion" so yea I was banned from forums to I sent a email to the server explaining that come on I know it's 2017 and you can't say opinions these days cause that's what humanity has turned into but perm banned I said! I never got a reply so I decided you know what I need to put that server aside cause they just lost a amazing player that's always buying things, helping people, and I was really committed to that server. So I was looking for new servers and this has to be my favorite so I'm joining it! And I would love to buy a rank but I don't wanna spend money so maybe another time some things about me are: I'm 11 years old. My fav color is pink. I am competitive dancer. Oh and I LOVEEEE Tyler Brown he's amazing if you don't know who he is search him up you will fall in loveeeee. Well that's it thank you so much if you made it all the way to the bottom of reading this! Peace.
Welcome to Snapcraft!


Staff member
Welcome Sophie, hope you enjoy your stay! :)