hi ppl ;3


First Step
My name is oceanlola, but in the server am called TheDevilDark. I change name alot.
Enyway this is telling me to tell about me so ill do XD.
Well i wont tell all bc you know for secerety information ;3.
ok well
1: I hate hacker just like you do or maby not
2: I love all my friend and for me they r like a family
3: alsow my dream is to be a super hero ( i know this is stupid XD)
4: i like helping ppl
5: i dont grif
6: i dont steel
7: i love collecthing heads >:>
well i think this is all i have to say about me XD


Zombie Killer
Welcome to Snapcraft! :-D


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! :-D