Humid and Very Hot!

Is it Hot Where You Live?

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Zombie Killer

Today we reached 90 Degrees Fahrenheit and we had nearly 100% humidity. Tomorrow we will get close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit with 100% humidity. This makes my Minecraft experience suck since we don't turn on the houses AC unit yet. We don't like the power bills from it (its a whole home unit). I have a book due with my editor by June 20 and I'm still outlining the chapters and typing is also a chore.
How do you guys deal withe the sticky hot, humid, conditions if you are in a climate that gets them?
Please give me ideas, I'm sweating like a pig here!


Gold Miner
Well first of all. Sorry but it not summer yet :-P
Summer always starts on the day that has the "longest" period of light.
So that is the 21st of June. After that that declines again until we get to 21st if december which the day in which we have the least light and were winter starts.
(Ps: what people say about the summer days being thus longer and the winters shorter is then not true. It averages out)

Ok now with that out of the way lol. Yeah it's hot!
Luckily for us here we don't have that humidity level at all. But we do have some higher temperatures so it levels out.
Yesterday it was around 36'C (96'F'ish) and later in the august we usually get around 43'C (around 109'F) which really is unbearably hot imo... so thank god it's at least not humid like at yours!

But what I do now, although the house is an old house with 1m large walls. We have everything shut on the day, and open everything up in the evening. This makes it quite cool in the house. But I have a fan for the real intense days at my desk and bed.

But the most important thing is drink water!
What I also do usually is put water bottles and freeze them so they slowly melt so the water is ice cold!

As for my pc, no real issues with that. Cpu always stays around 40'C max and gpu around 70'C max when gaming the whole day so that's perfectly fine. A little higher than in the winter but way below still all the temperature limits. ^^


Staff member
Anything above my room temperature is hot (20-22°C). Am very sensitive to heat and the sun.

Pigs don't sweat a lot.


Gold Miner
No matter how hot it will be, everything is better than cold weather. I hate winters! I love summers! Even if it will be 110°F I will still enjoy the warm weather :-P

Well the problem is what you do in that weather... As for when I am on my vacation on lets say an island, sure that's fine. But when you work in the heat outside doing manual labour like getting packs of hay in a field or cutting wood with an axe, it's horrible.

But do not I love cold weather. I live in a place were it never snows :,(
Luckily I am going to Norway in my next academic year!


Zombie Killer
I used to enjoy the snow and ice of winter as a kid. But being an adult and having to worry about driving, heating bills, and other matters it tends to kill the fun.
Today we are using our basement to cool the house. A simple small fan is driving air up since most structures near bedrock in our area are a steady 50 - 55 Degrees Farenheit.(10 - 13 C.). Which is about the temperature of the caves we have at our local tourist destinations. They are poplular attractions this time of year. Due to the temperatures. I have a cave diving certification but most people have to spend 11 to 20 dollars at a single trip (10 - 18 Euro). So it can get expensive to do that every day. I also enjoy kyacking. But im about 250 lbs (113 kg) so it makes the boat rock pretty bad and though I am a strong swimmer I hate being in the river water. You never know what lurks below the surface.