I'm Concerned. :,(


First Step
I have some major issues, along with others. There has been incidents with people, like cyber bullying. i will get to my part, first. It started as Matthew89, i think, the VIP, he started calling me 'slutnes' because it sounds like it, he pronounces it wrong. Then he calls me haxor and all of the stuff that is annoying. and the worst part is, he spread it to other people. i meet someone who has been apart of it, knowing what the talk about is, he then starts to harase me because of the name, annoys me and calls me a haxor. i got really mad about it. Then just 10 mins ago, Terrysindy gets alot of hate because she was on her other account, and she was being called a noob, a PEDO, and the low level is, just why, and it counts as harrsement.

Here are a few examples.

Hope you notice, and sorry if i am not suppose to do this.


Staff member
If you feel like chat is getting out of hand at any point, and a player should be punished, screenshot proof of a player and make a support ticket- http://www.snapcraft.net/support-tickets/open under "player reports".

Or do /staff and ask a staff member to come and sort it in-game. This will happen all the time, it's the internet at the end of the day.


Gold Miner
Personally, I do think this is quite annoying. I've had this happen before and by no means is it fun. My question is if you think that's the worst of it. I'm not sure if you remember an old vip by the name of Raintri, but if you did, then you should know what happened. When both me and him weren't banned, he spent an entire 2-3 weeks, spamming me with grenades (a very broken vip item that instantly kills you) every single time he saw me online during that period of time, which is insanely annoying considering both of us played for about 4+ hours daily. Obvious this was painfully annoying and I definitely think that this is a bit worse than just being called names in chat, since atleast you can counter that. As far as the comments that you showed proof of go, here is my 2 cents.

First of all, you need to understand which players are saying these mean comments. For example, I've gotten into arguments with "Parso" before, he started to call me names and I got him to stop just by commenting on his old ign (MrSmallPants) which is funny if you change it to "MrSmall(In The)Pants". Also, I don't even know why he is still talking trash since he is STILL going negative in games :

"mrbatfly" isn't doing better :

Guess what? THE_DeVaSt8ToR also has a negative kdr:

heeheon001 isn't doing decent either :

As far as CaptainReMoHD is going, he does have a positive kdr. What makes him worse than the others is that he is also a known hxcker who hasn't been banned yet (Staff haven't gotten to him yet) :

My point is that yes, it is mean, yet it is still easy to get them to stop by shooting some shots back. I know it might not feel like the right think to do, but this is how I get players like these to stop. It also doesn't take too much effort to access these stats. If you ever need any help with any rude players, just send me a msg in-game :)


Blaze Estinguisher
I understand it because I have experience like that before in creative. People always try made a attention. Some people are enjoy to make people upset or get into fight. It is like their job. I think it is stupid thing they did. Just report and be yourself and enjoy game in Snapcraft :)


First Step
Thank you all!! And I'll use MrSmallPants as self defence and I'll never be someone else, just me. :cake:

And just look at those stats.

LL-Cool J

Stone Miner
People are haters. Don't let them get under your skin. Especially minecraft players. Kids hide behind a screen all the time and spew hate for attention. Don't give them it. They wouldn't be man enough to say it to your face if they could see you. So screw them. You seem like you are a good guy man. I hope you remain in the community. I'll see you around! :)


Tree Puncher
If you talk back to people when they're being rude, you're just escalating the situation and causing more drama. The best plan of action is to report them (if you find it severe enough) or /ignore them (always). If you can't see what's being said, they can't harm you.

LL-Cool J

Stone Miner
If you talk back to people when they're being rude, you're just escalating the situation and causing more drama. The best plan of action is to report them (if you find it severe enough) or /ignore them (always). If you can't see what's being said, they can't harm you.
Or you can do that lol.