Introduction - Partyrockzebra


First Step
Hello everyone!

I'm partyrockzebra, but you can call me whatever you'd like. I'm very new to the forums, although I am not in-game. I decided I would finally make a forums account today, hence why I'm making this thread. Look to see me around. Especially in-game.

Now for some random facts about me:
  • I actually moderate another popular minecraft server but I will not name it due to obvious reasons.
  • My hobby/sport is horseback riding. I am starting to do it professionally. (If you have any questions about it, feel free to PM me!)
  • Adding onto that, my favorite animal is also horses! (I could drag on about horses/riding them for hours but I think that'll do for now. :-P)
  • I absolutely music. Especially trap music. I listen to it all the time. (If you don't know what it is, it basically sounds like a remix version of a song. If you'd like recommendations, feel free to PM me! I love to spread my love of music around to others :)!!)
  • I love books [insert nerd face here]. My favorite kind is dystopian love stories. (Examples/some of my favorites: The Legend series, the Divergent series, Matched series, etc.)
Welp...that just about sums me up! If you have any questions, or just want to talk to me, feel free to PM me. Until then...see you around!



Skeleton Slayer
Welcome to the forums! I love Horses too and I used to ride them! ^_^


Iron Miner
Welcome to the forums! Which SC servers are you playing on?


Emerald Miner
Welcome to forums! Have a nice stay.


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! I glad you decided to join our community. :)


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome :)

I liked the Divergent book series as well, although in my opinion it wasn't really much of a love story :-P