

First Step
Hey Everyone I'm Geelizzl and I'm new to the Snapcraft Server & Forums! (I play on Creative) :alien:
My Opinion so far is very positive this server is easy to use, and I like how the new players on the server can actually use most of the commands unlike other servers which you would usually have to pay in advance. However you have the option to gain more commands by purchasing a higher rank, which are surprisingly affordable.
I also find the fact you can generate customised head blocks & banners whereas on other servers you aren't usually capable of doing so and will have major difficulty in order attempting to get that to work.
The Plots are also a decent size for building, and the ability to spawn creatures on your plot always has a up side.
My only question is- is there a command for coloured signs? or a way to do this? If not would this be accessible maybe in the future?..

These are just my first thoughts but opinions may change in the future ^_^
Thanks everyone! O:)


Void Walker
Hey, welcome to the server! Glad to hear that you're enjoying the server so far. :)

To answer your question, in Creative, there's no way to make coloured signs.

If you have any questions, don't be shy to message me!


Iron Miner
Hey Im Martimus I play on creative all the time, the colored signs command is unknown to me try searching it up online or ask a helper online.


Skeleton Slayer
Welcome Geelizzl !


Staff member
Hello, hope to see you around on the server. I play on creative most of the time. :-P


Blaze Estinguisher
Hello! Welcome to the forums! I freak love Snapcraft and I always on Creative 99% since! I hope see you around. I am Legend perks. (SPAZ)


Blaze Estinguisher
Hello! Welcome to the forums! I freak love Snapcraft! I always on Creative like 99% time since! I hope see you around! I am Legend perks. (SPAZ)