

First Step
Hello SnapCraft Community. My IGN is xAztekGodx but people call me by my first name Mya. This the first time I played this server and I really enjoy it. My sister found out about this server today and she as well enjoys it to especially ZombieV. I love the community and love the server. In the future, I will get a rank and try helping out the community.

About Me: I am fourteen years old and when I don't play soccer I play Minecraft. Soccer is my life. I joined a Club Team about 1 week ago and enjoy playing with them. I have 2 sisters that play this server as well and can't stop playing it.


Emerald Miner
Welcome to Snapcraft! I am glad you like our community. :)
Make sure to make friends and don't hesitate to ask for help by staff. :-D


Zombie Killer
Welcome to this amazing server! :-D


Skeleton Slayer
Welcome to Snapcraft!


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! I glad your sister found this server! This amazing server! I am soccer player as you can see on my profile picture. xD


Zombie Killer
Hello and Welcome! I also play soccer as well. (y):-D