Is Rank Transfering Allowed?


First Step
I would like to know if rank transferring is allowed. I don't play anymore on factions because of the new update on survival which is very awesome. And I would like to know if its allowed to transfer my rank. If there are any fees, I can pay.
Username: Maxperane
Rank: Faithful
I do not care what rank do u give me, (Elite, Vip+ if its possible.)
Thx Maxperane


Zombie Killer

Well, that's what I heard from other rank-transfer requests.


Skeleton Slayer
As you have already used the advantages of having Faithful (money, kits, shout and commands) We cannot transfer your rank.

However, if you are playing Survival a lot I recommend buying a rank, it is 110% worth it and has a lot of fun/helpful features!