Is There A Faster Way To Do This?


Iron Miner
So today I made a 4 sponge shop that was underwater (on survival) , I knew that this shop was going to be full of water when I started it, so I made the shop, when i started taking the water away, I placed blocks where the water is, (very long process). I have now spent around 45 mins on 2 blocks at the top trying to remove the water, I still have another 20 more to go down. So my question was: Is there a faster way to do this?!?!
If you want to look at my big swimming pool (shop) in survival please go ahead - /warp lgshop
If anyone can find me a helpful answer it would be much appreciated, I have attached some pictures to show the shop at it's state at the moment


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Creeper Hugger
Sponges can soak up water, but since it's in Survival.... Probably not a good idea.

Jay O'brien

Gold Miner
I did the same thing. I have no clue if there is a faster way but it took me about 7 hours straight to complete it.