It said to intro myself

Rellik PanDragon

Tree Puncher
So. Here I am.
Rellik PanDragon.
Old af. OG Gamer. I've played, and owned just about every system. Used to be primarily a PC gamer.... but now it's always constant upgrades to run stuff... So I mostly PS4 now. um. Have had a Minecraft account since Beta... but never played it much back then, then got in to it one it was 1.0 for a bit... then left it again.... Then refound my love of it on the ps4 (because I couldn't get my log in credentials on PC for some reason)... Which, obviously I did, because HERE I AM.. Uh... we've got Minecraft on PC, xbox360, PS4, and WiiU... I'll probably get it for the 3DS eventually. Uhhh. It's late. I'm tired. And I'm rambling. So... Let's see. I'm raising two gamers of my own. And i've got a ton of pets. That's my wolf in my profile pic. I've also got a few other dogs. Several cats. A rat. A few chickens. An OLD snapping turtle. And a house pig.
I think that's enough for now. Peace.


Creeper Hugger
Welcome to the forums! :) Your pets sound really cool and im jealous lol
Rellik PanDragon

Rellik PanDragon

Tree Puncher
Welcome to the forums! :) Your pets sound really cool and im jealous lol
Once I acclimate myself to the forums rules and what-not, I may upload some pics of them.
We have some fish and birds too... but... they don't really do much... so didn't list them lol


Zombie Killer
Welcome to SnapCraft. If you need any help, feel free to ask me in-game by doing /find CryV and coming on that server (usually Factions) and message me and I will help as soon and as fast as I can :-D.


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome! :-D


Zombie Killer
welcome to the forums!!! :-D have fun