Joining Thetitan (factions)

The Titan is a Multi Faction Organization. Meaning that when you join, you immediately become an officer in the faction. There is NO faction home. You join the faction and make your own base. This might sound ridiculous, but the more people that join the power SKYROCKETS.

1. We raid together contact all online faction members if you find a raid.
2.You have to be 12.5 years of age and older
3. You have to be mature
4. You must keep an overall power of 3. If you have below 3 you have 1 day to get it up.

Copy And paste. Then reply to the Thread.

How old are you:
Do you have TeamSpeak(Not required):
Building Skill(1-10):
Redstone Skill(1-10):
PvP Skill(1-10):
Defending Skill(1-10):
You found a raid and there is nobody on. What do you do (A Raid it (B Wait until someone gets on​
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