Just A Poem


Zombie Killer
What Am I To You

What am I to you
Am I a child
Do you think I'm always playing games
And have no discipline
Do you think I'm always wearing a smile
Do you think I'm fine
Because I'm like this all the time
Can't you tell I'm hurting
Can't you tell I'm dead
Do you even recognize me
Or is it all in my head
What am I to you
Am I just a fool
When you make fun of me for writing
You say my writings are stupid
But can't you see
Just what this writing does for me
I write and write
Because it's how I take flight
When I hurt I pick up this pen
And I begin to write again
I know it seems weird but you don't understand
When I'm alone there is no hand in hand
I'm just there alone trying to fight
But give me a pen and I'll take flight
Although I'm young I am not stupid
I think bigger than my age
So I ask, what am I to you
Am I a child
Am I a fool
I am young not yet wise
I am not caught up in your lies
And I am not your tool
I'll talk in rhymes and riddles
I will not twirl my thumbs and fiddle
I am not a child nor a fool
I am me
And this pen is my tool

:3 A poem I wrote a while back. I read it for my class and they insisted I share it with other's, so I'm sharing it with y'all. I hope you liked it.