Pending KitPvP Missions


Obsidian Miner
Adding daily and weekly missions to complete on KitPvP would give something for players to consistently work towards and get a reward from it. This would also allow for another way to gain money/loot from actively playing/pvping. I could imagine rules would be implemented to disallow farming for these missions to get them for free.

How I would imagine this could work is there is just a villager at spawn named 'Missions' where you can select daily or weekly and it includes a different list/sometimes the same stuff each day/week. The missions could be in tiers too so it is challenging for some as you work up but still possible for new/nonranks to complete. You can't claim it early unless you finish everything, if you fail to finish everything you have to wait until that week/day is over in order to receive the rewards you did complete. It could have the days/hours countdown until reset missions visible as well. Then once you are ready to claim your rewards, you have to do so by heading to the villager.

Some missions could be:
Daily missions:

Get 20-60-100-150-200 kills
Kill someone with a bow 3x-6x-12x-15x-20x
Get 40-60-120-180-250 assists

Weekly missions:
Fish 10 sponge
Fish 15 stone
Fish 10 fish of x size or higher
Get 500-800-1000 kills
Get 800-1000-2000 assists

(These numbers could vary, just some idea ones)

Rewards could include gear, money, gapples, etc. but make sure it is actually worth it

Screenshots to show examples of the idea:


Gold Miner
+1 would be great to give people objectives to work towards and create more ways to earn money for newer players without ranks as well as people with them :)


Staff member


Staff member
+1 Sounds epic, I think this should definitely be a thing.
But some people will definitely be mad if getting bow kills would be a quest and everybody started bow spamming - donor rank bows (enchanted with power2 and punch 1 especially) are op, non ranks kits as they are now don't have a chance at all.


Obsidian Miner
+1 sounds like a great idea. It gives people more things to do on the kit server, and it's another way that people could get money/rewards!


Iron Miner