Legend_Guardian's Helper Application

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First Step
  • How long you have been playing on Snapcraft.net?
  • -About a month or longer.I am 13 years old and My IGN is Legend_Guardian
  • How often are you online for?
  • -Depeds on how busy I am...If im not busy, 4-5 hours. Im im busy, 2-3 hours.
  • Why you are right for the job as helper? How can you contribute to the staff team?
  • -I have experience with hacks(catching people with hacks, obviously I don't use them) I can be very fun person to talk with and I always try to help others.
  • Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? Explain briefly, please.
  • -No, I haven't.
  • A little about yourself.
  • -I am 13 years old. A lot of experience and I was a manager on a server with like 800 members in it.I always follow the rules and I am very patient. I am not from a English country but I know English pretty well.
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