Melons don't grow

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First Step
I made an AFK Melon farm, but no melons are growing. Is this some snapcraft feature, or what? The melon should grow onto the dirt block. Here's what it looks like:
EDIT: Nevermind, I got 14 melons after afking for hours, but this is still unusally slow
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Zombie Killer
First of all a good dose of bone meal cant hurt to start up a melon. They are slow in minecraft to begin with. Second of all and this is the part you really need to pay attention to: Right from our rules located at the bottom of your screen is a whole section that says you can not afk farm.
Consider that as well. Happy Melon Farming.

Regarding AFK Farming

If we can prove your focus is not in-game while you are performing game-related action (literally anything except being completely afk), we will consider you bannable. Our methods will include messaging, teleportation, or any other thing to try and get your attention.


Staff member
I thought melons grow faster on sand, but I might be wrong...
Anyway, welcome to the forums I guess :-D


First Step
responding to Jason, I think they meant that you can't like be constantly right clicking or left clicking to get cobble or fish. And yes, I did bonemeal it


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums.


Zombie Killer
Being afk is taking a spot that someone else who does want to play sometimes cant get. Staying on the server to make stuff grow while you are afk is not necessary. Since the chunks very likely don't unload. There is just that many players doing that much that the chunks stay loaded. In general if we see someone afk near a farming or mob killing mechanism we do what we can to get their attention. Usually the afk prevention thing kicks in at certain times and just sends everyone back to the hub which means staying on afk for long periods of time to encourage the growth of things wouldn't work for more than a few hours. We are pretty clear though in the rules what we mean by afk farming. its not exclusive to just constant clickers. I am glad to hear your melons are growing though.


First Step
But are they supposed to grow slower in snapcraft? And doesn't it say other than being completely afk? After all, I was just standing there. and last time I checked, the chunks do not load when I am not on the server
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Zombie Killer
In servers with a lot of activity the chunks often stay loaded and things work slower (including melon growth). On the afk issue I dont see why It has to be further discussed. If I see someone afk to make crops grow or for mobs to be killed in some sort of mechanism I kick them.
*Question answered, Thread Locked*
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