My Final Goodbye


First Step
Hello everyone, after 3 and a half years on SnapCraft I think my journey has come to an end, I have seen all the highs and lows on the server and have had endless friends, the reason i'm quitting is because its not that fun anymore, I loved the old SnapCraft and I know it cant come back but it was really fun back then, all my friends have quit so I have no one that I know that plays on the server anymore.

I want to shoutout a lot of people but forgot their names so here's the ones that may still play:

YAMPY: For being my next door neighbour at one point.

NoahSponge:For being a good Helper when he was.

Maarten:For being the server owner and making everything, well SnapCraft

All the old owners:Forgot their names but shoutout to you.

All my old friends:Thanks everyone I love you all!

Everyone that has joined the server:I hope you have an amazing journey like i did!

Bye everyone, I hope to see you in the future.


Iron Miner
well i could be your friend :3 but ik how you feel, GL mate <3 (even that i dont know ya)


Staff member
Sad to see someone leave who has played for so long, but things can't stay forever the same way. Good bye, and you shall find something more exciting soon.


First Step
I know how it feels to leave a community. I have left several myself and when I return to the game that they were a part of, they tend to not exist anymore. An example was Nstylez. They were a CSS JailBreak community that I was an admin on at the age of 6! I left the community, and came back in 2015 to find that they were no longer a community. It was sad but I found another community to be a part of for 2 years before I left CSS for good. Good Luck to you man


Creeper Hugger
Best wishes in the future! The server will miss you and your dedication to it. :)


Staff member
Best of wishes to you my friend!


First Step
Thanks everyone, I didn't want to leave but there is things that need to be done, again thanks for all of your support its been a hard decision


Blaze Estinguisher
Best of luck for future. We hope you can stop by see what Snapcraft have change in future if you can. :)