My Introduction.


First Step
How's it going people, my name is Educator and I've only just recently started playing here, mainly on Survival and from time to time, i play some KitPvp.

Where am I from?
I was born, raised and still currently in Victoria, Australia. Which means I get borderline-bad connection to almost every MineCraft server! kill me

How old am I?
I am currently 16 years old, turning 17 next year in February.

What are my hobbies / skills?

Firstly, I play State-Level Basketball, which is probably my main Hobbie. I am decent at Gaming - MineCraft especially hopefully -, I love eating, Sleeping, Watching T.V., Ballin' and yeah, that's about it.

How did I find the server?
I found it with some mates of mine, through the MineCraft server's list. Thought we'd pop our heads in and see what's good on the server, we weren't disappointed.

How long have I been playing MineCraft and SnapCraft?

I've been playing MineCraft for about 6 years now, throughout my experiences I have; Staffed on big servers, Met heaps of new friends, learnt very good Communication Skills, ScreenSharing Techniques, General Etiquette, Organisational skills and some other stuff that I honestly can't be bothered listing.

I've been playing this server for a few days now, Enjoying it heaps and getting to know the community. I'd prefer the Survival community over any other- due to how close and comfortable everyone is with eachother. It's also a lot less Toxic compared to others.

If ya' have any questions to ask me personally, Leave them down in the comments section or PM me ;-)



Skeleton Slayer
Welcome to Snapcraft! :-D


Gold Miner
Welcome to the forums Educator!


Emerald Miner
@~Crafter~ You should tag a certain someone who may or may not be Australian too! *hint hint*

Also welcome @Educator ! Glad you found your way to Snapcraft and hopefully your connection won't be too bad. :-P


Creeper Hugger
Welcome! Please ignore my (former) friends @~Crafter~ and @Legitmon as they have no idea what they talking about <3
I too get bad ping so I know the feels, hope to see you on the server!
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Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to Snapcraft! :)