Personally, I agree that their should be more staff members sometimes, but at the same time the staff members can't always constantly monitor the server for hackers, swearers, rule breakers, etc., players online should do their part in the community to record hackers if possible whenever they see one. (And this may be irrelevant to the matter and I have no personal goal or believe that it'll persuade people that I should but I say this unto you all from the bottom of my heart) ever since I learned how to download and use my recording software, even before that, I have always wanted to record hackers/rule breakers that commit crimes that are strictly breaking the rules on snapcraft and make the server a better place. I love you record hackers and do everyone a favor and make the server a more fair, hacker-free environment to all who wish to play on it. And odly enough I actually have a passion for reporting for duty (heh, duty) and being able to bring justice to the wrongdoers that we see every single day on snapcraft. Well I say unto you that I love to record and report hackers or report any wrongdoers in general
. I wish to one day become successful and (hopefully) become a helper. And I know full well that it's not easy becoming a staff member, but I want to let all of you people out there know that I will work hard and do whatever it takes to achieve my dream of becoming staff on this wonderful server and there's nothing that I could possibly want more on this server than that, and I'm gonna show everyone out there what is truly special about ME and show them that I can be a reliable, trustworthy, friendly, talkative, funny, kind, compassionate, and understanding person to be around. Thank you all to those that have read this post and I wish you all nothing but the best in life and those who too wish to become successful in something one thing I can give for advice, "If you believe and try hard enough on it and you have a passion and absolutely, undeniably believe no matter what that you deserve to have it, then it will come to you, follow your heart and never give up on your dreams!
" -iJoshWoof- 2015