Need Some Help On My Gear! :D


Iron Miner
Hello, I Just wanted to know what gear should i buy? and what enchants should i add on my Berserk sword. idk if i should buy my gear from the blacksmith or armor shop, Can u help me?


Blaze Estinguisher
If you're going low cost I recommend buying the tank gear from the shop.

If you don't care about the price get the artifact armor from the blacksmith and upgrade it all as much as you can.


Skeleton Slayer
I would recommend buying the artifact armor from the blacksmith.
When it comes to swords enchants on your berserk sword I would pick: 1) SMITE (It will kill zombies really fast)
2) Sharpness
3) Berserk
4) Bane of arthropods
You don't have to do what I say but I have it and it's awesome.


Staff member
When I started I got the tank gear first of all, then worked my way to the artifact gear and the berserk, quake sword after that.
And the sword enchants, I personally go all out on every enchant but that's up to you what you feel like doing.