Oh Mah Gawd

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Tree Puncher
GUYS! All of the signs were right there.... It all makes sense now... Aaron... Aaron has five letter in it 5 - 5 = 0 Fox News channel is 0% democratic. Fox has 3 letters. 3 is the number of my high score in Bop it. Bop it has 5 letters in it. The word "chuck" has five letters. Chuck is one of the words in Chuck e. Cheese. Chucky is Chuck e. Cheese's mascot. Chucky is usually an animatronic in all Chuck e Cheese restaurants. Animatronics are in Five nights at Freddie's. Five nights at Freddie's has a five in it. Five is the number of army's there are in the Hobbit the battle of the five armies. The battle of the five armies have the word battle in it. The word battle has the word bat in it. Bat has 3 letters. A triangle has 3 sides. A triangle is the illuminati's symbol.






Void Walker
Okay, so, I know this is the Off-Topic board, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there are five or so Illuminati conspiracy Threads on this board. Please keep it to a minimum. Either find another website made just for witty Illuminati postings, or necropost an old Thread. I don't care how you fix it at this point, but refrain from making more of these.

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