Once Upon Time Chapter 3


Gold Miner
So i wanted to make the last and final chapter of this series. After my main getting banned i can finally make it :-D. last time, a-a-ron was summoned so lets see wat happend now. HERE WE GO.

Right when snapcraft was back in place a-a-ron was summoned once more by a once good panda named "zahpowlozl". He wished to bring a-a-ron back from the dead so they could TAKE OVER SC. (yea so many points where things are taken over and rebuilt. pff this author is lame). But that dream became a reality. So they made a small town called Eclipse or something idk. 2 nubs named FireBlaze910 and Mistercoolttd thought they were cool so they stole a-a-ron's pirate ship. All sorts of loot and op stuff was in there. But then.. a nametag of zahpowlozl popped up! Fire and mistercool ran below deck to hide. But they ended up dying - but respawned. They went back again and tried to steal zahpowlozl's eyepatch and actually got it. Soon enough, a-a-ron was heard of this and captured Fire and Cool! They were tped to a small room with a portal. Mistercool quickly logged out but Fire didnt (wat an idiot). "Can you help test this portal" a-a-ron asked. Fire remained quiet as he walked in the portal. IT WAS A TRAP GOD DAMMIT. It was a wait before Fire suddenly.. caught on fire.. and died. He was then tped (while mistercool left :/) to a small prison with a couple of cells. He was then put in one close to the doors. A-a-ron himself locked him in. The rest of the warriors (Alemence,Frijoler,and Yampy) weren't aware of this so they were fine :mad:. Fire sat in that cell for what seemed forever. he had no commands of use. He knew a player named luukebiddle, so he called for him to see if he could help. Nothing could possibley break him out though. So luuke was useless (lol). Mistercoolttd although came back on and broke him out. Pvp was on in there so Mistercool killed FireBlaze910 so he could respawn. It all worked. That was 1 less problems of the many..

Remember when i said this was the final one? Well its not. If you want more of this trash than let meh know.


Zombie Killer
Ehh words. Words words everywhere. I don't wanna read them all


Stone Miner
So i wanted to make the last and final chapter of this series. After my main getting banned i can finally make it :-D. last time, a-a-ron was summoned so lets see wat happend now. HERE WE GO.

Right when snapcraft was back in place a-a-ron was summoned once more by a once good panda named "zahpowlozl". He wished to bring a-a-ron back from the dead so they could TAKE OVER SC. (yea so many points where things are taken over and rebuilt. pff this author is lame). But that dream became a reality. So they made a small town called Eclipse or something idk. 2 nubs named FireBlaze910 and Mistercoolttd thought they were cool so they stole a-a-ron's pirate ship. All sorts of loot and op stuff was in there. But then.. a nametag of zahpowlozl popped up! Fire and mistercool ran below deck to hide. But they ended up dying - but respawned. They went back again and tried to steal zahpowlozl's eyepatch and actually got it. Soon enough, a-a-ron was heard of this and captured Fire and Cool! They were tped to a small room with a portal. Mistercool quickly logged out but Fire didnt (wat an idiot). "Can you help test this portal" a-a-ron asked. Fire remained quiet as he walked in the portal. IT WAS A TRAP GOD DAMMIT. It was a wait before Fire suddenly.. caught on fire.. and died. He was then tped (while mistercool left :/) to a small prison with a couple of cells. He was then put in one close to the doors. A-a-ron himself locked him in. The rest of the warriors (Alemence,Frijoler,and Yampy) weren't aware of this so they were fine :mad:. Fire sat in that cell for what seemed forever. he had no commands of use. He knew a player named luukebiddle, so he called for him to see if he could help. Nothing could possibley break him out though. So luuke was useless (lol). Mistercoolttd although came back on and broke him out. Pvp was on in there so Mistercool killed FireBlaze910 so he could respawn. It all worked. That was 1 less problems of the many..

Remember when i said this was the final one? Well its not. If you want more of this trash than let meh know.
awesome XD i love how you did this....