People ignoring me!

Ben Prevish

Tree Puncher
So, I've been having a problem. Whenever I ask a simple question in chat like: "Why do I have to pay to use a mob grinder at someone else's region?" or "What are guilds?" people won't answer me. I try multiple times and noone answers. I know they can see me, because they're talking to others. I would like an explanation on this please. I'm not complaining, just wondering why people are ignoring me.


Staff member
You can't really explain why someone decides not to answer you. Could be cause they don't have an answer to your question? Or they're possibly busy with something. If you see staff online, ask them and I'm positive you'll get an answer.


Staff member
You can see if staff are on by doing /list or /staff. For questions PM staff by using /msg (name) message.
Ben Prevish

Ben Prevish

Tree Puncher
@Ashlie Alright I guess that makes sense, it's just that I never see staff anywhere on survival, so I get confused. But I get what your saying.

Yeah I get that, @ToKsuicR , Ok, I didn't know those were commands. thanks!


Gold Miner
For myself if I'm busy on a project I seldom pay attention to anything in chat unless it's my wallet going up )))) But If I don't have an answer to someones question I don't say anything. But anyway welcome to Snapcraft if I see you around I'll throw out a shout ))))) Game on