Perm mute for Camerq

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Tree Puncher
Hey, I was just wondering why I'm getting permmuted. I'm pretty upset because I only said 1v1 me on badlion. But apperently that's advertising. I hope you guys will read this and understand this. Because the guy I was going to fight is called Soldaat and called my family cancer and shit in public chat in dutch. So yeah, I asked him for a 1v1 and he said ok. I posted the ip in public chat, but still, if someone talks trash and calls ur family cancer. it's not very rare that you ask him for a 1v1 right? I'm upset now for the permmute. thanks for listening.



Skeleton Slayer


Tree Puncher
Even if we are KitPvP Arch-Rivals, You shouldn't have gotten that Perm mute. since, everybody makes mistakes, U should be unmuted. Hopefully we can have a friendship <3 -sam


Blaze Estinguisher
Saying an ip in chat will get you perm muted as you are advertising other servers which is not allowed.

Good luck with your appeal.
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