Please Help!

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First Step
Hi, My Username is xX_Tayla_Xx and I'm muted on creative. I was told it was for 7 days for spamming but his has been more then 7 days and I'm getting annoyed. Could a staff member please unmute me. I find this unfair. One of my friends told me that i when they type /seen xX_Tayla_Xx it says muted true and apparently that means I'm muted forever. If i am that is stupid and unnecessary. I have been muted since Christmas Day which is also unfair! Not letting me spread cheer and making me even more unhappy! Thank you for reading this if you have. I really would appreciate the help!


Blaze Estinguisher
You're unmuted (Your mute was automaticallly undone 7 days after your muted, which was ~5:00 Central time today, so nothing was changed) ..... done and done...... Patience is key.
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