Right, We Need To Talk


Iron Miner
This is directed at iiaaron over the 12h mute I received.

Yep, Its Tolly here again to speak up (Or what you guys call it "Flaming", "Spamming","Stiring the pot" etc.) about another problem I have had with staff. This is not about The problem Itself, nor am I trying to bash any staff here as well. but it has came to my attention that its been over 12 hours since I received my 12 hour mute by iiaaron. I was muted at 10am (Approx) on Sunday the 1st of June, it is now 8.15pm (My time, when ive typed this) on the 2nd of June and as of which I still receive this message:


Here I am trying to say hello to our community and I am rejected by this "You are muted by a staff member", which as stated is BEYOND the 12 hour mute. I would kindly ask why is this so without any members baiting or trolling this thread, as im just looking for a good answer as to why havn't I been unmuted as the action was a 12 HOUR MUTE.
If it is longer, please tell me;
> What have I done to make it longer
> How long is left

That's all from me now, Hoping to be back on the right side of the community soon :)
- Tolly

p.s: Staff please don't immediately lock this thread, it has a purpose


Iron Miner
Ok to respond w/out expleatives that are circulating my mind right now, I will put it in quick points:
Point 1: WHY and HOW Did a Sudden 12(Twelve) Hour mute become a PERM mute
Point 2: Picture evidence would be lovely
Point 3: The attached picture by maya does not give anything except that I was spamming? I swear I sent that message only once, Unless I was tapped into my regional chat???? and if so WOW
Point 4: Im........Really dazzled how this is perm-mute worthy (not being rude)
- I got a twelve hour mute on Sun and a 24h mute on Fri << is that it?
- Last history of a major run-in would be at least a month ago when I got a 3 day ban <<< makes me even more amazed of perm mute
- Staff seem to kindly forget the good things I say...
- I will appeal.... but not immediately
Here you go, I hope it wasn't rude way to respond (I could go crazy over this but it would just cause me more bother)
please take those 4 points into responding



Skeleton Slayer
Ok to respond w/out expleatives that are circulating my mind right now, I will put it in quick points:
Point 1: WHY and HOW Did a Sudden 12(Twelve) Hour mute become a PERM mute
Point 2: Picture evidence would be lovely
Point 3: The attached picture by maya does not give anything except that I was spamming? I swear I sent that message only once, Unless I was tapped into my regional chat???? and if so WOW
Point 4: Im........Really dazzled how this is perm-mute worthy (not being rude)
- I got a twelve hour mute on Sun and a 24h mute on Fri << is that it?
- Last history of a major run-in would be at least a month ago when I got a 3 day ban <<< makes me even more amazed of perm mute
- Staff seem to kindly forget the good things I say...
- I will appeal.... but not immediately
Here you go, I hope it wasn't rude way to respond (I could go crazy over this but it would just cause me more bother)
please take those 4 points into responding

How many times have you been muted before?


Iron Miner
2 times before this.... then going back to april once and once more in January <<<< But Jan shouldn't really count in deciding a perm-mute

Before January I was 100% Clean (You can even check the records)

4 mutes Should never equal a Perm mute (Every mute I received was 24h or 12h) im 110% sure that it would equal a week mute then a month then perm (loosely remembering the rule table). So to go from 4th mute>>>PERM something doesn't add up imo


Skeleton Slayer
Four mutes should be a Perm-Ban. Be grateful you aren't in the situation. If you have been muted four times it shows that you have not learnt your lesson after been muted and warned. So why would we give you more and more chances to repent yourself when you keep doing exactly the same thing again. You have been given a Perm-Mute because staff can see that you are not changing your ways.


Iron Miner
The staff don't know when im good................................ That's the thing
And maya... is it staff as a whole or just particular ones ;-)

Both incidents happened on days where I was having a bad day and wasn't as tolerant as I normally am of peoples silly digs at me, throw in richyyhd and his trolling behaviour that caused fireworks.

If it was me on a good day, I would have never responded and turned chat off and I do apologise for not doing so as well as being a bit rude to iiaaron and loz. You may just brush me off as im 'just saying that' to get to an unmute, though yes I have reviewed my actions of Friday and Sunday and I do agree I was a bit harsh with what I said especially the 'Your the worst admin' bit - that was me in heat of the moment, but im here now more calm then ever as I type.I do see there is room for improvent in my interaction with particular staff and denying that improvant by perm-mute will not teach me anything and all it will do is make me have an even more bad perception of the staff.

I am not a serial greifer or spammer, surely there is room to think that 'hey maybe Tolly did get a bit upset but didn't lash out so we could give him a temp mute to calm him down and then see what else he does' instead of the

'Tolly is bad, just another person that wants to really annoy the staff'

Please consider your view with an unbiased opinion

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