Guide Skyblock guide


Stone Miner
Staff member

What is Skyblock and how do I play?

Skyblock is a survival based gamemode. When you join Skyblock for the first time, your island is automatically generated, and you can start your island world.

Your initial island size is 100x100 blocks. You can expand this under the island upgrades in your /island panel. You can upgrade through the levels up to a level 3 with an island size of 200x200. The maximum island size you can attain is 500x500 which you can buy from the Snapcraft store using /Buy.

You also don’t have to play alone. You can invite friends to join you on your island and build an impressive Skyblock island together. Initially you can have up to 5 members, including yourself, on your island. The number of teammates can be increased in your island panel up to a maximum of 50.

Getting started:

On your island – you have an inbuilt cobble generator and one starter chest. With your starter chest, you have a few basics to help you get started.


You get a mystery scroll in your starter chest. These range from Common to Special

Helpful hint: If you accidentally turn your lava into obsidian, you can right click the obsidian with a bucket to get your lava back

Your island panel:

To open this panel, simply type /island or /is

Here we have your island panel. As the leader of your island this is where you can configure various island settings.


From left to right the different categories are:

Teleport – This teleports you to your island.

Island Settings – You can toggle various island settings to suit your play style.

Island Permissions – Toggle the permissions for members and visitors on your island.

Island Members – Shows the list of island members. Left clicking on a member allows you to manage the member (Player role, Ban or Kick).

Island Visitors – Shows you all the players currently on your island. Clicking the skeleton skull allows for you to see every player that has visited your island. Left clicking a player’s head will expel them from your island, and right clicking will invite them.

Island Missions – A good way to start your Skyblock game. These will guide you in ways to progress and earn money in the early game.

Island Upgrades – Upgrade various statistics for your island to help you progress further. You can upgrade all of these to level 3 in-game and the level 4 upgrade is available on the store.

Island Counts – This shows you all the blocks placed on your island, alongside their total value and contribution to your island level and value.

Island Biomes – Allows you change the biome of your island.

Border Settings – You can toggle the border on or off as well as the color.

Shop – Opens the shop (Also accessible by typing /shop.)

Island Bank – Allows the members of your island with the permissions to deposit and withdraw money.

Top Islands – Shows you the current top 10 player islands on the Skyblock server.

Island Jobs - Opens up the Jobs GUI

Island Disband – Disbands your island – Once you delete your island, it is gone forever. You keep the items in your inventory. You only lose what was stored on your island.

Commonly used commands

/kit <Name> - Redeem your kit (You can do /kit to see what kits you have available)

/spawn – Return to the spawn

/tpa <Username> – Request to teleport to a player

/tpaccept – Accept a teleport request

/shop – Open the shop

/ts – Toggle your scoreboard

/bal – Check your balance

/restart time – Check how long until the next server restart is

/msg <Username> – Message an online player

/fmsg <Username> - Message an online friend

/friend – Open the friend panel

/mctop <Skill> – List all the top levelled players in each McMMO skill

/mcstats – List all your current McMMO stats

/party create <Name> <Password> – Create a party

/party join <Name> <Password> – Join a party

/pay <Username> <Amount> - Pay a player

/paytoggle – Toggle off payments

/sethome <Name> - Set a home

/home <Name> - Teleport to a home

/trade <Username> - Open a trade with another player

/trade accept – Accept a trade

/trade deny – Deny a trade

/enchant – Open the custom enchant panel

/staff – Show all the staff currently online

/buy – View the Snapcraft store

/ah – Opens the Auction House

/ah sell <Price> – Sell the item you are holding on the Auction house

/warp – Opens the warp panel

/ignore <Username> - Block all messages from a player

/withdraw money <Amount> - Withdraw money into a money note

/withdraw exp <Amount> - Withdraw exp into a bottle

/member – Get the free member rank

/jobs - Opens the jobs menu

/is go – Teleport to your island

/is invite <Username> – Invite a player to your island

/is accept <Username> - Accept an island invite from a player

/is leave – Leave an island that you are a team member of

/is coop <Username> – Allow someone to build on your island

/is coops – Lists the current coop players

/is uncoop <Username> – Remove someone’s building permissions

/is expel – Kick a visitor from your island

/is lock – Close your island to visitors

/is open – Open your island to visitors

/is team – List of all the members and their roles on your island

/is disband – Deletes your island

/is settings – Opens the island settings panel

/is permissions – Opens up the island permissions panel

/is promote <Username> – Promote a member of your island

/is demote <Username> – Demote a member of your island

/is kick <Username> – Kick a member off your island

/is setwarp <Name> – Set a warp for your island

/is delwarp <Name> – Delete an island warp

/is chat – Toggle your chat to island members only

/is value – Get the value of the item in your hand

/is warps – Show the list of all island warps

/is warp <Name> - Show the warps of a player’s island

/is withdraw <Amount> - Withdraw money from your island bank

/is deposit <Amount> - Deposit money into your island bank

/is bal – Check the balance of your island bank

/is transfer <Username> - Transfer the ownership of your island

Job System

The job system is a way for you to earn money while doing things you normally do. You can enlist in 3 jobs at any one time and you can change these up to suit what you are doing at the time.

Alongside money, you get points and job exp. These points can be redeemed in /jobs shop for a variety of items such as armor, tools, spawners, and netherite!
There are currently 17 different jobs to choose from whilst playing skyblock:
- Woodcutter - You chop and plant trees for money
- Miner - You mine ores and minerals - placing ores makes you lose money
- Builder - Build any structures to earn money
- Digger - You need to terraform the world to earn money
- Farmer - You need to do any farming activity to earn money
- Hunter - You kill mobs and animals to earn money
- Explorer - You explore the map to earn money
- Crafter - You need to craft items to earn money
- Fisherman - You need to catch fish to earn money
- Weaponsmith - You need to repair items to earn money
- Brewer - You need to brew potions to earn money
- Enchanter - You need to enchant items to earn money
- Smelter - You need to smelt items to earn money
- Caretaker - You need to take care of your animals to earn money
- Cooker - You need to cook food to earn money
- Baker - You need to bake food to earn money
- Taster - You need to taste food to earn money

Tokens and Custom enchants

Enchant tokens are a currency used to get custom enchants on your items. There are various ways to obtain them, such as mining, killing mobs, crates, and exchanging money or exp. In-game you can exchange 100 enchant levels for 500 tokens or $50,000 for 350. This can be done by using /enchant.


In Skyblock, we have a boss you can fight called Atlas. To get to Atlas, you will need to activate an Atlas’ Boss token. To get this token, it is a rare, random drop from cobble generators or mob grinders. It has been recently added to the /jobs shop as a reward for you to buy. It’s important to note that you cannot receive the token when you have a full inventory.

The Atlas boss drops a key which you can open at the Atlas crate to get a variety of rare and useful drops, such as spawner pickaxes, Atlas armor, crate keys and minions.


Minions are little NPCs you can have on your island to automate various tasks. Currently there are 5 different types of minion.
- Miner – Auto mines blocks from a cobble generator

- Lumberjack – Will chop down and replant trees

- Fisher – Auto fish at a pond

- Farmer – Harvests and replants crops

- Slayer – Auto slays mobs


You can’t craft hoppers on skyblock, instead they are listed in the shop, there are 2 types of hoppers. Vanilla hoppers and Super hoppers. The super hoppers start at level one and can be found under the ‘Special’ tab in the shop. A level 1 hopper picks up items within a 5x5x5 area with the center being where the hopper is placed. This radius increases with each level up to level 4. You can set up an item filter, on these hoppers by shift and right-clicking the hopper and adding the item into the item blacklist.


When grinding mobs or mining, you may also get a random drop of an artifact.

These are rare items that you can sell to others or at /warp artifact. There are a total of 27 artifacts which you can sell for anywhere between $5,000 and $25,000 for a single artifact.


Trading and Selling items

Selling items is the main way of making money here on Skyblock and there are a few ways that you can do that:

Chest shops allow for players to buy (or sell) a specific item in that chest. Chest shops require $1,500 to create and the way you create a chest shop is by typing the command:

/chestshop create <Amount> <Sell price> <Buy price> Then you click the chest with the item you want to buy/sell

You need to input a value for both the sell and the buy price, if you don't want to buy items, just set it as 0.
Auction houses are where you can sell individual items rather than selling in bulk as done with a chest shop. To list an item on the Auction House, you have to pay a small fee of $50.00 to sell an item. To view the auction house and the items being sold, you use the command /ah.

The number of items you are allowed to list at one time depends on your rank. To list an item, you use the command /is sell <Price> - This will list the item in your hand for others to purchase for 24 hours. After that, the sale will expire, and you can retrieve the item by doing /ah expired.
Player trades are commonly used to trade specific items, such as tools and spawners. You initiate a trade by either /trade <Username> or by simply shift right clicking the player you want to trade with.

You can accept or deny a trade by clicking on the [ACCEPT] or [DENY] in chat or by doing /trade accept/deny. Once in the trade, each player can put their items in and click the red glass at the bottom. Once both players have accepted and the red glass turns green, there is a 3 second timer until the trade is complete. This gives you the chance to back out of the trade in-case you change your mind.
The sell chest is a new addition to skyblock. It allows you to automatically sell mob loot and farmables without you having to go into the shop directly.

It will sell all the items at shop price and works best with a super hopper (If you have it at your grinders!).

You can obtain these from the vote crate or by the legendary crate at the spawn.
If you have any suggestions of what to add to the skyblock guide, feel free to message me on discord or start a conversation with me

Discord: Deadly_k1tten#5207

Start a Conversation with me here

Server discord

Thank you for taking your time to read this. Have fun!

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Obsidian Miner
Nice guide ;-) Kitten the skyblock queen :-P


Obsidian Miner
Very nice :-P