Snapcraft And Its Community

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Tree Puncher
Snapcraft's homepage:
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Inherited from
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We've chosen to DDoS (denial of service attack) Snapcraft has been running fine the last few years, but 'it' has banned too many players (for no reason).
Therefore We've chosen to temporarily take down the service... (The host will be up soon)
Got any question before it's too late? ;p
Write em down there.

We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect us.

We are Anonymous.


Zombie Killer
Supposed to be scary, eh?

Snapcraft has been running fine the last few years, but 'it' has banned too many players (for no reason).

Lies, lies, and more lies -_-


Emerald Miner
Are we suppose to fear you?... because we are not.

Do DDoS is not as simple as just go google and try to follow the instructions you find on the first result, and we have tools to prevent these kinds of attacks, just down waste your time.
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