Snapcraft Kitpvp


Zombie Killer
Hello Snapcraft! I'm Emeraldz, one of the many Kitpvp players on Snapcraft and minecraft as a whole. Today, I'm just going to walk you through some of the basics and more advanced features of KitPvP on Snapcraft and on other servers in the world.
Please note that I am not a staff, and I will not resolve any issues regarding any of the following. However, if you have questions about the guide, or suggestions to make it better, I am accepting those at the email listed at the very end of this post. Like mentioned, for inquiries regarding ranks, reports, etc. please confront one of the amazing staff ingame (they will have a blue, purple, or red prefix) and they will be very glad to help you.
I hope this helped! I am not accepting donations or any of that sort, but I always accept thanks! (and cookies)

What is KitPvP?
KitPvP. A majestic word, in my opinion.
KitPvP is a server type that allows players to fight each other in a large map, with various armor and sword combinations, to obtain perks ingame and each others' loot. KitPvP is a quick paced game and usually never has dull points (unless nobody else is online) so if you plan on PvPing, make sure you like some action!

How do I PvP?
First, you need a sword and a set of armor. If you don't have these, you can type /kit Fight or /kit Special ingame to recieve a set of armor, a sword, and a bow. Once you've obtained the kit, you're ready to PvP!
There are two ways to get to the PvP map. The place where you spawn does not have pvp enabled because it would make it so there is no 'free space' at all and players would not have fun. You can warp to any of the four warps on the PvP map (winter, spring, summer, autumn) or just jump down anywhere from the circular spawn to PvP! Just know that the second you touch the ground, you are in the war zone, and must type /spawn to get back to safety!
Basically, PvPing is simple. Just left click with your touchpad or mouse to attack someone. If you need to switch items, just use your mouse wheel. Simple Minecraft commands.

How do I get good stuff?
Once you've got a nice set of iron armor, and a lot of experience at PvP, it's time to get an upgrade. Going to the shop villager at spawn (/warp shop) will take you to the admin shop. The prices are higher here because players are encouraged to interact with the Auction House. The auction house is a plugin which allows players to make their own shop in a GUI to sell items quickly for some extra cash. Items can be enchanted, damaged, or very fancy here, so I'd recommend if you need new items to check it out. Just type /auc or /ah and it will bring up a little menu of all the items for sale. Below is the menu that you should see. Nice items, huh?


Let's say you found a very nice item. For example, I like that diamond sword at the far right top row. To view the pricing, enchantments, and the seller, just mouse over it with your cursor.


You look at the price, and decide that it's a very good deal. (which 1000$ for a diamond sword is not a good deal) First, check your balance to make sure that you have enough money to purchase it by typing /balance or /money ingame. If you have enough, click the item, and confirm your purchase by hitting the green glass panes. It will be automatically transferred into your inventory. Score!
If you're not keen on the item prices, you can always negotiate deals without using the plugin. Just note that there are many scammers on snapcraft (even though scamming is illegal) so make sure you either record the transaction or are willing to take the risk of being scammed.



Zombie Killer

Gangs are very nice ways to team up with some of your friends to take down a bunch of players. You don't have to be in a gang to team up, but it's an organized way and it prevents killing other users in your gang. If you'd like to create a gang (it's free) type /gang create (name). Gangs can have no more than 5 letters in them, to prevent very long gang names covering chat from the action. From there, you can invite users by /gang invite (name), and if they accept, congrats! Your friends are now in your gang.

Gangs aren't just used for teaming with other friends, even though that's the main point. Gangs can compete to have the highest KDR (kill to death ration) or highest amount of kills. To check your gang's stats you can type /gang info, and your stats will appear likewise:


This little message indicates I created my gang on July 31st, 2015 at 18:14 time. My gang is level 3 and the KDR is 1.0. (sad). I am the only member of my gang and the gang has no money. (no, my gang is not open for the public. sorry.)

If you want to explore the features of gangs more, you can do /gangs help. There, there are many options such as promote, kick, make leader, and deposit. Once you've accumulated enough money in your gang, you can type /gang levelup to increase your gang's level (increases amount of players you can add and color of gang changes.)

Gangs can be very fun, but just know that eventually, gangs may be reset. Do not devote too much time into them! Smoke has been reset 2 times in the past month for strange reasons that I can't explain. :/


For all those users who are tight on money, or don't want to spend any money for a rank, voting is the perfect alternative to support the server and gain yourself a few perks! Voting allows Snapcraft to be seen as a higher server on the server charts when players try to find servers. Most of us found Snapcraft on places like planetmc or topG, we would never have found it without players voting for Snapcraft!

To vote, type /vote ingame. You will be redirected to a page that gives you 6 sites. Vote on each of them filling out the anti-spam capicha and your IG username, and you will obtain a voting key, money, and enchanting bottles!

I've seen many players ask me what to do with vote keys. There are two small chests at spawn, with a hologram above them saying 'Vote Crate'. Just right click one of those with the vote key in your inventory, and it will exchange it for a random item in the chest! The prizes can vary from diamonds to protection 5 to golden apples!



Zombie Killer
What's with the Horses? (donations)

Well, the horses are a feature that donators can get. Riding around a horse is a great way to get some more kills and get around the map very fast. I love riding the horse just to annoy people, but that's just me. .3.

There are two ranks on Snapcraft KitPvP. Both have amazing kits and are awesome to have when PvPing.

The first one is Warrior, and it costs 10 dollars USD. Warriors get a golden nametag shown below, and access to /kit VIP shown below. Not to mention, warriors get their own horse they can equip or dequip with /mount.


Here is one user's prefix and golden name. I would have used mine, but I'm 'afk' :)


Here is the contents of /kit Warrior. Nice stuff every 30 seconds!

The second one is Knight, and it costs 25 ish dollars USD. Knights get a blue nametag and mint green chat shown below, and access to /kit Knight shown below. They also get a horse they can equip or dequip with /mount.


Here is one user's prefix and green name.

I don't have access to /kit Knight, but I asked a staff member (thank you, btw) the contents, and have listed them below.

- Prot II Iron Armor

- Iron Sword

- 5 Golden Apples

- Power I Bow

- 10 Steaks

- 64 Arrows

I am planning on upgrading to Knight soon, but I'm very low on money :-(

Anyhow, ranks are a great way to support the server, while getting perks for your own enjoyment. To browse the many ranks, /warp Donate ingame or you can press the 'store' tab at the top of your screen. Thank you, in advance, for keeping Snapcraft up and running strong!


So you saw that amazing Protection 4 diamond chestplate in the auction, and you really want it, but don't have enough cash to afford it? No problem! There are two main ways to get enough money to purchase the item of your dreams.

The main way of income on Snapcraft KitPvP is killing other users. Basically you're paid to PvP! Amazing! Every time you kill a player, you'll get anywhere from 1 cent to 5 dollars, based on the player's KDR and how good they are. If they had low health, you probably won't get as much as a player that has 20/20 HP and a golden apply. Just know that this is my theory, it might just be completely random and I'm just blabbing about nothing here. To test, I killed about 20 players. The average amount of money I received was $2.60. Most of them were chain armor and iron armor users, but there were a couple in Protection II and there was a guy with a diamond helmet. Basically saying, you get about 2.50 every time you kill someone.

The other way of income is that thing I mentioned earlier, the Auction House. To list an item in the Auction House, type /ah list (price) and make sure you're holding the item you want to list. Once up, you can shout once or twice in chat for people to look at your item. If anyone likes it, they will purchase it, and you'll make the full amount of money. Although this is slower, the pay rates are pretty high if you have a lot of high quality items.

I made a small scale below, on the most commonly sold items and the PPI (price per item.) If you sell at these rates, you will get buyers commonly and make some nice money while you're at it.

Gold Apples sell 1 for 1-5$

Enchanting Bottles sell 1 for 1-10$

Iron Armor sells 1 set for 5-20$

Iron P5 sells 1 set for 300-750$

Iron Sword (SI-III) sells 1 for 10-125$

Iron Sword (SIV-V) sells 1 for 125-250$

Diamond Armor sells 1 set for 100-300$

Diamond P4 sells 1 set for 500-1500$

Diamond Sword (S0-III) sells 1 for 100-350$

Diamond Sword (SIV-V) sells 1 for 350$+

The better the item, the higher the value!
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Zombie Killer
General Rules

Snapcraft KitPvP is a fun server, and players are encouraged to have fun, but there are a couple rules the Snapcraft staff team require users to follow if they would like to play on Snapcraft. You can check out a complete list in other places, but here are some of the most commonly broken rules on KitPvP

Hacking - you are not allowed to use any mods or hacked clients. (DMG Indicators|Minimap|Optifine OK)

Spamming - you are not allowed to spam.

Swearing - you are not allowed to swear.

Disrespect - please be respectful to staff members.

Scamming - scamming is now allowed.

The full list of rules will be available at

Reporting Hackers

We here understand that people are going to hack and break the rules listed above. If you would like to report a rulebreaker, please refer to the information below to make sure your rulebreaker gets the punishment appropriate for them.

Hacking - clear, 20-30 second video showing hacks and 2+ battles with the hacker

Scamming - clear video showing the entire transaction

Chat Issues - picture showing the swearing/spam/disrespect

(More information regarding how to detect a hacker can be found in the report abuse section on the Forums.)

Advanced PvPing Tactics

Now that you're a Knight, you vote every day, and have a youtube channel with many reports, it's time to get serious about PvP. There are many players on Snapcraft that are highly skilled and to take them down, some of these tips will help you greatly to take them down. I'm not the best at PvP, but here are some of the tricks I use to make sure I can take down some of the hardest PvPers.

Strafe - Strafing is basically a sidestep-dodging motion, used to make it so your opponent cant hit you. One of the most effective and easy ways to straffe is known as circle straffing. this is when you run completely around your opponent to make it so that they cant hit you, and is very effective. When pvping, you don't have to run in a straight line. instead of just clicking "W" to go forward. click both "W" and "A" or "W" and "D" and keep running so you go through them at an angle. when you are behind them, turn around and hit them while continuing to circle them, and they will be unable to hit you and die. If they know how you pvp and turn around, straffe repeatedly around them so they almost never hit you.

Crits - There are many ways to boost your critical hits when pvping. You can click extremely fast (easier with a gaming mouse) and keep your clicking at at least 3 clicks per second while strafing to boost critical hits and damage done. Another way to get more critical hits is to jump while you hit your opponent. This is not the best idea because it knocks you back, but it works.

Diamond - When you're very experienced, you might want to go down in diamond. Beware you will probably get attacked by 5-10 people at the same time, including hackers and very good players. To help you diamond enthusiasts pick a good loadout, I have supplied my usual loadout when I go to the bottom with diamond.

1 set P3-4 UB 2-3 Diamond Armor
1 S5 F1 UB1-3 Iron/Diamond Sword
32 Golden Apples
4 Extreme Apples
2 Speed II
2 Strength II
2 Insta Health II
8 Ender Pearls
Backup Helmet/Boots (they break fastest)
Power II-III bow
Plenty of Arrows


Thank you so much for spending the time to read my essay about KitPvP. If I helped, please make sure to like the post, and say 'hi' ingame! I love talking with others and definitely love PvP!

If I missed anything, big or small, please either reply to the thread tagging me as @iEmeraldd or emailing me at [email protected]. I will quickly research what you tell me, and post more about it giving you credit. If you would like more of these, just tell me the Snapcraft server to do it on, and I will have it complete in about 2 weeks. (:

Once again, thank you for your time, and I hope I helped you in your PvP venture!

Credit Compilation:

Legalsense - amazing help with topics, and kit contents. Thank you @LegalSense!

Bas and Maarten - thanks for creating an amazing server that we all enjoy! @Bas @Maarten

Information on PvP tactics:

Music -

Getting me addicted to KitPvP - Senpai_Vicky @Vicky

Edits - @Twwhaik4 Thanks!

If I missed anyone who helped with the creation of this, please let me know!
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Zombie Killer
Lots of effort put into this. I can't believe you wrote this just because you were bored. This will come in handy for players new to Snapcraft KitPvP. (y)
Thank you @Butters!
Yeah, I really like writing. I have written over 100 guides, and tutorials for other servers before I came here (most of which, were buried under a ton of junk) but it's a good way to get stress off and teach some people a little bit about the server's mechanics.
Hopefully, players will be able to find it under the many threads that will come up, but it doesn't really matter. I'm always willing to help players out ingame if they need me, and we have an amazing staff team (:


Zombie Killer
@iEmeraldd ya forgot the part where you can get jumped by a team of diamonds peeps like this
and get violated in a corner.
Also I'm pretty sure p4 sells for 1000-1500. You might wanna include things like the enderpearl cool down and a basic loadout for people going down in diamond. Otherwise you've done a really job on this thread.
PC: @Dank


Obsidian Miner
Nice introduction and guide, lots of effort and time put on this. Lots of thanks for those in needs of this. I'll use this thread for people who are new for now >.<


Iron Miner
Very much effort put into this thread, I'm actually kinda jelly that you did this but I respect you also for it and btw I might make a video regarding how to pvp like a pro and all of the advanced tactics, techniques, and maneuvers like when you do a critical, it's not if you jump and hit the player, It's when you jump and when you're falling THEN you hit him. <-- (I just found this out recently through a mcsg pvping YouTube called Huahwi.)


Zombie Killer
How do I get good stuff?
Once you've got a nice set of iron armor, and a lot of experience at PvP, it's time to get an upgrade. Going to the shop villager at spawn (/warp shop) will take you to the admin shop. The prices are higher here because players are encouraged to interact with the Auction House. The auction house is a plugin which allows players to make their own shop in a GUI to sell items quickly for some extra cash. Items can be enchanted, damaged, or very fancy here, so I'd recommend if you need new items to check it out. Just type /auc or /ah and it will bring up a little menu of all the items for sale. Below is the menu that you should see. Nice items, huh?

Ooooorrr, just kill someone with better stuff

Unless someone like @Krontezian kill steals you ._.
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