Snapcraft Podcast, Episode 4


Zombie Killer
Episode 4 of the Snapcraft Podcast
Presented by: jasonstover9

I just finished up episode 4. I had no idea that people would miss it if I did not get them out there. Thank you to the podcast supporters so far.
In this episode we talk about staff and the things we try to get done in one day.
We also look at the multicultural nature of snapcraft and how many nationalities are so wonderul.
I also tour an island on skyblock and give my opinion.

Opens a link to Google Drive. Safe and secure.

I hope you enjoyed the podcast. Please drop a comment below to say you liked it or tell my why you did not. Also, if you want to get on for an interview or you want me to feature your guild, faction, warp store, or skyblock island send me a private message on here or on Discord.