So I Just Bought VIP


Iron Miner
Can I set two homes now? How do I do that? Use set home again? Which one will I spawn to? Can I choose which one?
Also, can I sell more than one item on auction at a time now?


Iron Miner
Okay, I found the place I wanted but I'll never find it again if I leave. /set home 2 didn't work. Has anyone done this? What did you do?
I tried /help and it just said ask someone here.
I'm afraid to use set home again because I don't want to lose my original home.


Iron Miner
Figured it out.
(Yeah, I'm smart.) ;-)

The official answer: Name your first home. I had named mine, creatively, "home." Then name your second home, so sethome "beta", in this case. Then when you want to go home go either /home home or /home beta, or whatever your two names are.

Hope that makes sense.


Iron Miner
Okay, I found the place I wanted but I'll never find it again if I leave. /set home 2 didn't work. Has anyone done this? What did you do?
I tried /help and it just said ask someone here.
I'm afraid to use set home again because I don't want to lose my original home.

It's shouldn't be a space between sethome. That might be the problem.