Added Some other factions suggestions

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Void Walker
I think it would be logical and cool to have legendary swords and armor in the legendary crate. There is already armor in the surtur crate and swords in the reaper crate and rare crate (which is a non-boss crate). Maybe the legendary sword could have sharp 5 (assuming the only sharp 6 sword stays on /buy only), smite 6/7, bane 6/7, unbreaking 5 and the other basic enchants. For the armor, maybe make it the surtur 2 armor with unbreaking 5 so its a semi-g piece. As for the bow, I think it would be great to have a legendary 1/2 bow. There is already a sharp 6 axe and sword so perhaps a power 6 bow with punch 2 or 3 would be relevant and make archery and pvp more interesting.
Additionally, if this is not the case already, I think that accepted suggestions should get gems. Even if it is only 100 gems, the forums would get a lot more activity and suggestions so that they can get the small amount of 100 or 200 gems, then ultimately spend twice or three times that on the store. It's a win-win for everyone.
Finally, I think another rank above immortal would be greatly appreciated. My estimate is that about half the active and hardcore playerbase is immortal. Maybe another row for ec, a second pv, and slightly boosted kit is all it would take for people to upgrade.
Adding /spectate to /duels.
The ability to buy spawner picks from /shop. They go for around 60-100k right now so just having them available for like 200k (the same way wither skulls are overpriced) would be nice.
Thanks for reading,
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