Somethings Changed That I Need To Know


Tree Puncher
So about a half an hour ago i posted my new youtube channel later bob2108 locked my thread saying "The Snapcraft Youtube sub-forum is meant for snapcraft/minecraft orientated gameplay. Not for personal channel advertising" now here is my old channel posting on the forums here is a link to check it out now keep in mind that channel is not about gaming or minecraft and you can check it out yourself I saw no rules saying you could not post your channel on here that doesnt contain minecraft or snapcraft with the channel my posting was not taken down it was just locked and i was not told i could not post non related minecraft videos on the youtube section on the forums.


Blaze Estinguisher
"Note that staff reserve the right to take whatever action appropriate for the given situation, regardless of written rules covering the situation." The Snapcraft forums aren't available just for personal advertisement. It's meant for player to player conversations about common topics (Usually Snapcraft orientated) and for staff to make available information about updates, upcoming events, etc. And yes, you're past thread (Which was 10 months ago....) wasn't closed, but policies change, and not everyone views the every thread.