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Tree Puncher
Ages ago, I felt like something was missing from servers.
Like proper reasons for their creation.
I think this thread covers it, but if anything is missing please tell me.With no further ado,lets begin.

200,000 years before minecraft was fully born, Notch once 3 chosen creatures: a human, a panda-man, and an ogre.
They had no idea, where the were, but they new that they were alone.
The human was smart, and told the others to go and mine.
But the panda-man was a heart-set tree-cutter, and said that they should cut down some trees.
But the ogre was :angry:angered:angry: by both of them because he wanted to fight.He ran off into the deep forest.
More about him later.

In the meantime, the panda-man had created a strong castle of wood and stone, and although he didnt know it, this would later become the snapcraft spawn.

Down in the caves, the human had found masses of :diamond:diamonds:diamond:,

and had already created a mass of creation.He soon became bored and so built some minigames to entertain himself.This area would soon become the mineplex lobby.

In the deep forest, the ogre had found even more minerals than the human. Huge piles of iron, gold, diamonds, emeralds and rubies stretched around him. He decided to build a mining center. On a floating island in the center of the deep forest, he built an area for mining all sorts of things.This would later become the guildcraft hub.

On the fiftieth day of the fiftieth year of the fiftieth century, the three creatures met at the voting center, otherwise known as the mesa.They met with gifts to each other and secrets to be told.

When they arrived, each had a different item to show to the others. First, the panda-man brought out

from his new purple velvet robe a iron rod,
glowing yellow with power

"I call it a ' blayz rord' "
The panda-man told the others.
Immediately the three (later known as the big 3) had a vision;
of burning castles,
powerful magic, and glorious elemental power.
A whispery voice echoed;
"All hail iBasss, king of snapcraft."

The big 3 looked at each other, and nodded, knowing what was to happen.

Next the human held out a
strange hook-like device

"I call it a 'Eye-orn Pea-cax' "He told the others.

Another vision came upon the 3;
of players jumping around on something called they called 'Par-cor',
panda-men playing games in the fields,
and entire planets taken over by enjoyment.

"All hail Chiss, king of mineplex." Came the voice again.

Finally it was the ogre's turn.

Out of his sack he pulled out a lump of stone in which coal fiercely burned a peice of chicken.

''It called fur-neese"He reported.

The last vision was of huge stacks of gold and iron,
golden-brown horses galloping through forests,
and players clanging iron ingots on anvils.

"All hail aXed, king of guildcraft."

Thousands of years passed, and each soon controlled a powerful empire.

aXed had G
iBasss had Snapcraftia,
And Chiss had Mineplexia.

They were all happy with their land, but aXed wanted more.He knew that iBasss owned the most land of them all, so he set of with an army of 5000,000,000 men, and charged through a portal into the realm of Snapcraftia shouting; "Hail aXed!Hail aXed!".

After many years,in which I, BTW, Techy112, Fought on Snapcraftia side, (however back then, my master and creator was Zarkos, the evil king of ZombieV (but don't worry, I am my own master now)) the war was won by Snapcraftia, and an agreement was signed that if aXed every tried to invade again, his realm would then belong to iBasss.

After the war though, iBasss wanted to be sure that his people were safe, and so banned functional portals from all of Snapcraftia, causing many panda-men, blazes, and ogres from returning to their home dimensions.

Thanks 4 reading!



Zombie Killer
Maybe Bas should make like a separate section for this. I just think he should be rewarded somehow, this probably took a lot of thought, time and planning.


Zombie Killer
Wow, that was actually pretty good. I can tell you put a lot of effort into this. Make another one! :cake:

That thing I attached is a gif, I don't think it moves though. Just pretend it does...


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