Guide Survival Guide


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Survival Official Guide:

Hello and welcome to the Official Snapcraft Survival Guide. Within this guide you will find everything you could ever want to know about Survival. Hopefully this will answer any of your questions. Learn about the variety of awesome features and how to use them to enhance your own gameplay!

What is Survival?
Survival is an economic-based and friendly gamemode, which means you are not allowed to scam people in any way. There are lots of ways to make money. When you start you'll find one protection sponge in your inventory. It's not recommended to sell the sponge, because you’ll need it to have a safe start on the server. You can play together with your friends by creating guilds. If you want to get more detailed information please read the following guides.

Getting Started:
You will spawn in with basic starter items to begin your Survival journey. If you own any further kits, type /kit and choose the one that suits your rank.
You can then type /rtp to teleport into the wild and begin your dream home. Make sure you /sethome once you find a place you like to not lose your progress! You can do /home to teleport back here. The next section will tell you how you can claim land.
As already mentioned, you need to use your gold shovel to claim land. To start, hold your gold shovel and click a block you want to have your claim based around. You will then need to keep your shovel in hand, and click what will be the other, diagonal corner to your claim. The server will then generate your claim within the areas you’ve chosen.

Here is a video on how you can claim land:

Here is a video on how you can expand your claimed area:

Help! I lost my claiming Shovel!
Do not panic! You can claim the /kit starter in-order to be given a new one! Along with the book on how to claim and the stick to check if a block is claimed!

World Overview and Dimensions
This new season of survival comes with brand new and fresh worlds, all of which are vanilla-generated worlds with the version 1.19! This way players can enjoy a vanilla experience in all the worlds.

The Overworld
This is the main world where players will build and create their own settlements and structures. This world is a vanilla 1.19 generated world, and it has a border limit of 30.000 x 30.000.

The Netherworld
This world is also a vanilla 1.19 generated world, and it has a border limit of 15.000 x 15.000.

The Endworld
This world is also a vanilla 1.19 generated world, and it has a border limit of 15.000 x 15.000.

The Resourceworld
In order to ensure that players have access to a constant supply of new blocks and items, we have created a resource world. This world is designed to provide an endless source of resources for all players, and is intended for resource gathering only. The resource world will reset every Saturday providing players with a fresh new world to explore and gather resources from.

However, it is important to note that claiming and building in this world is not enabled, as it is intended for resource gathering only. Any claims or builds made in the resource world will be removed during the weekly reset, so it is not recommended to build anything there.

Go to get to the resourceworld, simply type /resourceworld. You can also mine any spawners you come across in this world, which is great for those that are just starting! Assuming you have read about Silk Touching Spawners above!

This world is also a vanilla 1.19 generated world, and it has a border limit of 7500 x 7500.

Claiming commands and their meanings:
This new claiming plugin will keep all your items safe, and allow you to have your own area! This plugin allows players to protect their land, making it so other players cannot access your chests, break blocks, open doors, etc. unless you grant them permission.

Please note if you are not active for 31 days your claim will automatically be removed and players will be able to interact with your builds without punishment.

Once you place down your first chest, you will automatically get a 9x9 claim, with that original chest being the centre. If you'd like to know more, please read these following commands which may answer your questions!
Click the spoiler to see the list of commands

How to manage your claimed region
To trust a player and grant them permission to build in your region, use

/trust <username>​

To grant a player access to your bed, button and levers, use

/accesstrust <username>​

To grant a player access to your inventory, crops, animals, bed and buttons/levers, use

/containertrust <username>​

To permit a player to share their permission level with others, use

/permissiontrust <Username>​

Be careful who you trust to your region, as they can build and break blocks, open containers, and doors, kill mobs and also might give other players access to your region!

To simply remove all trust permissions for a player, making it so they can no longer do anything in your region, use

/untrust <Username>​

To show what players are trusted and what permissions they have, use

If you lost the coordinates of one of your regions or if you just want to know how many claimblocks you actually own, use

To remove the claim that you are stood inside, use

To remove ALL claims you own (be careful with this command), use


In-order to claim a larger area for yourself and friends, you need to get more claimblocks. If you do not have a sufficient amount of claimblocks for the area you’re trying to claim, you will get a message in chat and the area will not be successfully claimed.

To get more claimblocks, you can get them from /kit, /ah, ask other players in chat, or just by simply playing and being in game, you will automatically be given FREE claimblocks!

Silk Touch Spawners
Picking up spawners has never been easier! If you have the premium rank or above, you can pickup spawners by shifting, and then breaking with any pickaxe! This does however break the pickaxe that you are holding!

If you do not have a rank, then ask someone in chat and I am sure that they would be happy to assist you and grab it for you. Or if you want to be 100% safe, then ask a staff member.
A spawner wrench will be added soon which will allow all members to safely and easily pickup spawners.

When the spawners are broke, they will immediately be sent in your inventory and not drop on the floor, This will also break the entire stack.

Guilds Guide
Guilds allow you to create or join a group with your friends or any players. It is free to create your own guild. You cannot PvP with people in the guild you're in, and also you can deposit money into your guild. You are afraid of what a command does? For a more in-depth guide, continue reading.

To view for your re-vamped guild panel, do /guild. You can find so many new and exciting features here! Click the Spoiler below to view what each of them does!

Guild Info
View the guild description, the date and time your guild was created, who is online and finally all members!

To see a list of all the guilds on Survival, use

/guild list​
How to create and disband a guild
If you'd like to create your own guild, you can use /guild create. In order to create a guild, you'll need VIP rank and 50k in-game money.

Usage: /guild create <name>​

If you no longer want the guild you've created, use this command to delete it completely.

/guild disband​

How to join or leave a guild
If you've received an invitation to a guild and you’d d like to join it, use

/guild join <guild>​

If you want to join another guild you first have to leave your current guild, use

/guild leave​
How to add a guild description
A guild description can be used to introduce your guilds to other players. Please be sure your description follows our general Snapcraft rules. If you would like to set a guild description, use

/guild description <description>​

How to manage guild members
This option will allow you easily view who is in your guild. You can see what role they have, and when they were last online too. By clicking on their head you can easily: kick, promote, or demote the member too.

If you would like to see who is in your guild, use

/guild members​
If there's a member in your guild you no longer want or need, use

/guild kick <player>​
To ban a player from joining your guild, use

/guild ban <Username>​
To view the banlist for the specified guild, use
/guild banlist <Clan>​

Promoting a player in your guild will allow them to use more guild commands.

Usage: /guild promote <player>​

If you have lost confidence in a player or if someone abuses their guild rank you are able to demote them.

Usage: /guild demote <player>​

If you would like to transfer the leadership of your guild, use

/guild leader <username>​

To give or revoke admin rights, use

/guild admin​
If you would like to give or revoke coleader rights, use

/guild coleader <username>​

How to manage guild invitations
If you would like to invite a player to the guild, use

/guild invite <player>​

If you would like to cancel a player’s invitation, use

/guild deinvate <player>​

If you would like to switches whether people need an invite to join, use

/guild open​

Guild Bank
Keep your precious money hidden from other players and also your friends! Or so you do not spend it on /cf! Store money and XP inside the island bank to keep it safe. All transactions made to/from the bank are logged so those trusted can see logs. You need to have XP and money stored inside the bank to levelup your guild too.

To Interact with the guild bank, use

/guild bank​

To view the transaction history from members of your guild, use

/guild banklogs​

Guild Vault
You can use this vault to store powerful items in a secure location, where only your island members can access. This vault can get more storage by upgrading at /guild level.

To open the guilds vault, use

/guild vault​

Guild Level
Show off your wealth and invest some money into the Guild Bank to levelup your guild. Type /guild level to see how much money and XP needs to be stored before you can upgrade. Upgrading grants many benefits: awesome effects, more members, more vault storage and most importantly, a coloured tag in chat!

If you would like to see what level your guild is, use

/guild level​

Guild Warps
If any member of your guild creates a warp, you can simply view it from the /guild warp GUI. Just click on the warp to teleport! Make sure to name it appropriately to not confuse your members.

To set a warp for the guild, use

/guild setwarp <warp> [Password]​

To delete a warp from your guild, use

/guild delwarp <warp>​

Guild Missions
By completing guild missions, your clan will earn rubies! These rubies can be spent on getting better perks for your guild. Type /guild missions to see what you can complete and how many rubies it will earn for your guild.

Guild Perks: Guild perks will enhance the gameplay of your members, and make completing certain tasks a lot! You can permanently increase their speed, jump height, or even give your guild more challenges to complete in /guild missions. Lucky them!

To open the missions GUI, use

/guild missions​

How to manage your guild homes
Set a home for your guild. Make sure to name it!

Usage: /guild sethome <home>​

Delete a home from your guild. Make sure to provide the name of the home.

Usage: /guild delhome <home>​

Teleport to one of your guild homes.

Usage: /guild home <home>​

If you'd like to see a list of all homes that belong to the guild.

Usage: /guild listhomes​

How to use the guild chat mode
Messages sent in guild chat can only be seen by people in your guild. Use /gc once to turn guild chat on, enter the command again to disabled guild chat. You also can send a single message.

Usage: /guild chat <message> OR /gc <message>​

To send a message to all members of the guild that are online

/guild announcement <message>​

How to use manage guild teleportation
To instantly teleport to a guild member, use

/guild clantp <username>​
If you would like to toggles teleporting to guild members, use

/guild tptoggle​

How to use guild effects
To open the effects menu, use

/guild effects​

More commands?
Looking for a command about guilds that you cannot find here?

To show all available commands, please use

/guild help <page>​

Basic & Essential Commands Guide
Here you’ll find every important command to have a good start. Click the spoiler to view a list of useful commands for the Survival Server.

Spawn and PvP-arena
If you would like to return to the spawn, use

To Teleport to the PvP-arena, use

/warp pvp​
How to manage your homes
A home lets you teleport to a place you would like to go whenever and wherever you want.

If you are unranked you only can set one home. To set a home, use

Usage: /sethome​

If you have a donator rank you are able to set more than one home.

Usage: /sethome <home>​

If you only own one home you would like to delete, because you no longer want or need it, use


If you own more than one home you have to enter the name of the home.

Usage: /delhome <home>​

To get teleported to your home, if you only have one home, use


If you have more than one home (command /home would list all your sethomes), use

/home <home>​

How to manage your balance
If you’d like to check your balance or other players' balances, use

/bal <player>​

If you’d like to pay a player a specific amount of money from your balance, use

/pay <player> <amount>​
If you do not longer want to receive payments by other players, use

To know who are the richest players on survival, use

How to store items safely
To store your items safely, you can use your enderchest. The storage your enderchest can hold, increases the higher your rank is.

You can also use player vaults to store your items. You need at least to be VIP to unlock this feature. To open your player vault, use

/pv <number>​
If you would like to withdraw exp into a bottle, use

/xpbottle <amount>​

How to teleport to a random place
To teleport into a random spot in the wilderness, use

To teleport to a random spot in the resourceworld (has a 5 minute cooldown), use


How to manage warps
A warp is a public place, which can be accessed by everyone.

Usage: /warp <name>​

To set a warp you need at least Premium-rank (24h cool-down).

Usage: /setwarp <name>​

Once you set the warp you can’t delete it anymore. If you want it to be removed please ask a staff member.
If you have forgotten a warp or just want to look if a warp is available you can list all placed warps.

Usage: /warp [page]​
How to message a player
If you’d like to message a player, there are different ways. Basic commands can be used to message a player are /msg and /m.

Usage: /msg <player>​

Once you have received a message from a player you can reply by using /r
You also can just click a players’ name and it automatically will appear the command /msg <player> in your command line.

If you’d like to chat with only one player and don’t want to click his username or type /r every time, you can directly tag the player.

Usage: @Player

To leave the conversation type „exit“ in chat.

If you would like to no longer receive messages from a player and block all messages from them, use

/ignore <username>​

How to teleport to a player
You can teleport to a specified player using the /tpa command.

Usage: /tpa <player>​
To accept a request sent by a player use /tpaccept. Make sure just to accept teleportation requests from players you know. Do not accept random requests! Some people like to trap other players.

How to receive your kit
To see what kits you have available, use

To redeem a specific kit, use

/kit <name>​

Coin flipper feature
If you like gambling then coinflip is the right thing for you. You have a 50:50 chance of winning twice the money you bet. To place a bet, use

/cf <amount> <tails/heads>​

To see all available bets, just use


To view your coin flipping stats, use

/cf stats​

You want to get rid of the scoreboard
Use /ts to toggle the scoreboard on/off (right hand side of screen).

How to manage you in-game friends
To add a player as a friend, use

/friend add​

To open the friend panel, use


To message an online friend, use

/fmsg <username> <message>​

To reply to a friend's message, simply type

/fr <message>​

Trading, Selling Items, Chest-Shops and Methods to Make Money
Money makes the world go round, keeps mob spawning, blocks being mined, and playerlevel increasing! Money is an essential aspect of Snapcraft Survival. Thankfully, we have a variety of exciting and engaging methods to make money, which will excite all members of the community.

How to list items on the auction house
The auction house is a feature, where players can sell anything they have for any price they want. You can buy an item from the auction house by simply clicking on the item you want, and confirming the purchase.

You can also sell an item yourself in the auction house by holding what you want to sell in your hand. If you auction something and nobody buys the item you auctioned for 24 hours, it will go into the Collect Expire/Cancelled Items section where you can retrieve what didn't sell or what you canceled.

The number of items you are allowed to list at one time depends on your rank.

To open the auction house, use

/ah or /auctionhouse​

You can then choose to either put the item up to sell just for that specified price or to allow bidding. To simply sell, run the command click the diamond. The item in your hand for others to purchase for 24 hours. Alternatively, click the emerald to allow players to bid on your item. The minimum bid will be the price you enter.

Usage: /is sell <price>​

To see all items you have listed on the auction house, use

/ah selling​

To remove expired items from the auction house, use

/ah expired​

Be careful, expired items not taken out from the auction house get deleted after 3 days.
Please do not put scams in the auction house, it will get removed and money will be deducted from your balance depending on the scam. If you have been caught scamming, you will receive a ban.

If you would like to trade items for items, but also avoid scamming use

/trade <player>​
We have introduced a new chestshop system on Snapcraft! Simply type /shopsign in-game to view the format. Place this sign on the front of a chest and your shop has been made!

Make sure you set the sell and buy price correctly. You can choose the item you want to sell or buy, and how much. To get the Item Code, hold the item and type /iteminfo and find the ‘Shop Sign’ ID.

In-Game Shop
The in-game shop has received a brand new look this season. The meta has also changed completely, allowing for a new experience on Survival.

Look through the /shop to see what you can sell, and then work on some farms based around what is a good seller! Right click on the item you wish to sell, and then select the amount. Or click on the enderchest which will sell all of the items in your inventory.

Voting and Crates
Voting is a great way to earn quick, and most importantly FREE rewards! Type /vote in-game, or visit to cast your vote on the server. You will be rewarded with a Vote Key which is virtual. To redeem, simply go to /warp crates, right click the vote crate, and then click the ‘Use Virtual Key’ option in the middle. You can let the epic new animation play to see your reward as it appears! Or see what you missed!

We have re-worked our crates, adding brand new items and removing those that are less favourable for our players. We have: Vote Crate, Common Crate, Rare Crate, and Legendary Crate

Common Crate
Common keys can be obtained through /playerlevel, playtimerewards, /transfer, vote parties and the online STORE. Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Rare Crate
Rare keys can be obtained through /playerlevel, /goldshop and the online STORE. Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Legendary Crate
The best key on the server! Legendary keys can be obtained through /playerlevel,, /goldshop and the online STORE. Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Tokens and Custom Enchants
We have some exceptional custom enchants to improve your Survival Experience! Explore the array of enchants we have available for tools and armour on Snapcraft! Make sure to read all the descriptions, and ask in the chat to see what the community believes to be the most valuable one!

How to enchant items
If you would like to open the custom enchant panel to enchant gear, tools or weapons, use


Every time you want to enchant something, you’ll need tokens. You can obtain tokens from mining or trade them for experience or money. You can win them from crates at spawn, find them in dungeons or buy them on the Webstore.

You can acquire tokens by doing /enchantertrade, and exchanging XP or Money for the specified number of tokens. You can also purchase them from our STORE. We will be adding more ways to acquire tokens soon!

McMMO is still part of the game, but with a fresh new update! We have updated to the latest version, including updated styling, menus, and messaging. This will provide players with a completely new look, while still retaining the features that players have come to love.

If you want to know about how it works, read the following guide. Click the spoiler to see a list of useful McMMO Commands!

McMMO System
McMMO gives an RPG-like style to the server, adding leveling up to your skills, abilities, and more. Players will have the opportunity to enjoy new and improved experiences while still being able to enjoy the features that they are familiar with.

To display the highest-ranking mcMMO players on the server (Total mcMMO-Level), use

/mctop [page]​
If you'd like to see a specific mcMMO skill leaderboard, use

/mctop <skill> (e.g. /mctop mining)​

To view your rank on the leaderboard, use

To view your own mcMMO stats, use

If you’d like to have a look at other players' mcMMO stats, use

/inspect <player>​

You can only inspect players, who are next to you, it also means you can’t inspect offline players.

If you need more assistance and want to view information with a specific skill, use

/<skill> and /<skill> ? [page]​
To disable the right click skill activation, use


To show information regarding the current plugin, use

To shows all available McMMO commands, use

/mcmmo help​

McMMO Credits
Credits are a kind of currency that only can be used to level up your mcMMO skills. Credits only can be obtained from the Snapcraft Webstore (you get them with buying a rank). To see how many credits you own, use

To use your credits, use


A menu will open, where you can find all your mcMMO stats. Click the skill you want to level up. The menu will be closed and you have to enter the number of credits you want to use in chat (1 credit = 1 level).
If you’d like to trade credits with another player, use

/credits pay <player> <amount>​
McMMO Parties
McMMO Parties can give you some cool advantages. The higher the party level the more advantages you’ll unlock. The highest level you can reach is 10. Unlocked features can be party chat, XP sharing or party teleport

To create a party, simply use

/party create <name>​
To join or leave a party, use

/party join <name> and /party quit​

To invite a player to a party, use

/party invite <player>​

To accepts a party invite if one has been received, use

/party Accept​
To toggle the party chat, use

/party chat​

Player Warps Guide
Player warps are temporary warps, only can be set in your own region. They can be used to create a public shop or grinder. A player warp exists 12 hours for a price of 1000. Once you have created your warp, every player is able to teleport to your region. It's recommend to toggle pvp off, trapping players is not allowed.

To see all current player warps, use


Click an item to teleport to a player's region, right-click + shift on your warp to remove it, hover over your warp to find your warp ID.

To create a player warp, use

/pwarp set​

To extend your player warp for another 24 hours, use

/pwarp extend <warp ID>​

Extending your player warp costs 2000 each day.

To add an description to your player warp, use

/pwarp desc <warp ID> <description>​
The description cannot be longer than 40 characters.

You don't like your head as a preview, you can also display other items by using

/pwarp item <warp ID> <item ID>​

The item ID can be found with /iinfo while holding the item in your hand.

With our new leaderboard system, you'll be able to view your exact position on every leaderboard, whether it's in spawn or the newly introduced leaderboards. This means that you'll be able to see your rank and how far you are from the next level or achievement.

Whether it's your Skyblock level, your PvP kills, you'll be able to keep track of your progress in real-time.
You can do /warp leaderboards to view how you shape up against the rest of the server! Keep grinding for #1 on all leaderboards!

Online Store and Snapcraft Gold
Our Online STORE still has a variety of ranks, items and perks for our players to choose from. Thank you for all your purchases, we would not be able to have Snapcraft, and continue its development without all of you.

We have also introduced a new currency to Snapcraft, which will be present in all gamemodes upon reset. This is Snapcraft Gold! This unique currency will be available on all servers to make in-game purchases on things such as: tags, crates, McMMO, Enchant Tokens and so much more! You can buy Snapcraft Gold from our STORE. This currency is global across the Network, so choose carefully what to spend it on!

Thinking of buying a rank?
Use /buy to go to the Snapcraft Webstore, and /warp rank to see what features come with what ranks.

To view the Snapcraft GoldShop, use


To activate an in-game money or XP booster, use


How to get a free rank?
To get the free member rank, use


If you need more assistance? Stuck in a block? Can't type anything in chat or use any commands? Or is your game crashing?
Type /staff to show all the currently online staff members!

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide, we hope it helped! Everytime we add new content this guide will be updated and a #changelog will be made on our Discord. If you would like to have added anything else in this thread, feel free to message me!
Still have a question? Feel free to DM a staff member, or open a ticket on our FORUMS or DISCORD!

Kind Regards,
The Snapcraft Team
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Staff member


Skeleton Slayer
Glad someone finally made a guide for survival, this will be helpful for new and old players.


First Step
I'm glad someone finally made a guide for survival, thank you, Nic. Though I must admit, I came here hoping there was also instructions as to how to log onto survival these days with the log on issues. I heard it could be done and I see that players are able to get on there but I'm told it takes a long time to log on. I am not able to log on at all. I've sat there for 6 hours trying to log on. So what's the secret? Am I missing something?

Edit: Nevermind, it seems to have finally logged me on. XD It must be a 'whenever it's in the mood' kind of thing.
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