Switching Survival Rank To Factions


Tree Puncher
Dear Snapcraft Staff,
I have recently been inactive on Snapcraft survival and more active on factions, so I was wondering if I could get my Gold rank from survival transferred over to Factions! It would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks For Your Time,


Zombie Killer
I don't Think you can


Gold Miner
Yeah that's not possible to do.


Tree Puncher
I am pretty sure you can if the Admin or owner wants to do it for you they just take away Gold and then give you Overlord in factions


Void Walker
Looking at this in a.... way... it could be possible, just if the rank transferred over was worth the same amount of money.


Tree Puncher
iamontda yes it would be an equal rank trade, I find it the least they could do since I have supported their server the past 3 years and since ranks are not universal. You cant blame me for getting bored of survival after 3 years! so hopefully they will see it from my point of view!


Diamond Miner
iamontda yes it would be an equal rank trade, I find it the least they could do since I have supported their server the past 3 years and since ranks are not universal. You cant blame me for getting bored of survival after 3 years! so hopefully they will see it from my point of view!

You've been playing for longer than the server started teach me how you did it?


Creeper Hugger
It wouldn't be an equal rank trade, because you've already used the perks of the [Gold] Rank.


Tree Puncher
Wow, okay, good point. Re-writing my statement: No, it wouldn't exactly be fair. Sorry.
The only perk that I cannot give back would be the 20k that I got with my rank and honestly it doesnt really even help. If it was that big of a deal I would go on there and make 20k for you guys to take off of my account. What else is unfair? you could call it unfair that you donate $57 to support the server and ranks arnt universal I understand they make more money that way and its not like I am asking for them to make it universal I am just asking if they can switch my rank. And no offense but the perks they give you in Gold are pointless other then Flying which would obviously be taken away if they switched my rank over.


Creeper Hugger
You have been using the /kit wood and /kit iron perks, and you've also had the advantage of /fly.