

First Step
Hello everyone,

I'm Seloed, or Ben, whatever you prefer.

I'm fairly new to the server but have enjoyed it thus far, so I intend on playing and contributing in whatever way I can.

If you're reading this, chances are you clicked on it because of the header. I will try not to disappoint you.

I code. Yes, I know, you can hold your applause. Currently, I go to the University of McGill, and am double majoring in Computer Science with a specialty in Java, as well as International Relations.

I'm hoping that I can eventually contribute code to the server, in whatever capacity it's needed. Until then, if anyone is interested in Java, or would like to learn Java, let me know! I would happily introduce you to some friendly IDE's and get you started with basic procedural (Top to bottom coding).

If all of this makes no sense to you, you're probably a human being. If any of this intrigues you, well, System.out.println("Hello World");. You won't regret it!

Feel free to add me on the server. I usually play Zombies. See you all around!

- Ben "Seloed"
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Creeper Hugger
Welcome to the forums! I hope to see you on the server sometime. :)


Gold Miner
Welcome! Code God


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! Wow I hope you have enjoy and successful in your future! :)


Emerald Miner
Noice, Java :-D