Tell-a-story... Game


Creeper Hugger
So basically, anyone can tell a story on this thread from real life or even in game experiences. (Just to maybe get to know each other better? Hehe)
To make it more interesting, whoever says the best true story, wins.

Of course, don't reply if it's going to be a troll.

Anyway, I would prefer "funny" stories just so everyone can have a good laugh...
If you're wondering how I got this idea it's because I looked at @EnchantedShots thread which made me think there should be a thread for stories and stufffff...

I'll go first :3.

Maybe about 1 month ago or so I was at a grocery store and it was around 11 am. I was dragged to the grocery store by my mom on a weekend. (Not even a morning person). I was pushing a shopping cart into the dairy section and I had a flashback on how when I was a little, small kid I would stand on the shopping cart.
So, since I still felt a little tired I didn't even think logically.
What happened next was pretty embarrassing.
I stood on the shopping cart and my foot slipped off. That caused me to fall onto the hard floor pushing the cart away from me. I also remembered that I flinched when the shopping cart rammed into the frozen section....
nobody was watching...
Not only that, but surprisingly, nothing even broke.
(Is that even possible...)


Zombie Killer
My story is a bit creepy and funny at the same time.

So about 2-3 months ago, both of my sisters and I went to eat at at a restaurant and we had to leave a tip. The only money we had left was a $5 bill that had her number on it but that was meant for someone else. Unfortunately we had to leave it as a tip and about 2 day later the waitress called her. Turned out she was lesbian..
After that she started telling my sister that she liked her and all but she wasn't ready for a relationship so she stopped calling her FINALLY.
Welp thats my story xD


Stone Miner
my story is really embarresing

So it was at recess at school. so we have 2 bars where ppl usually hang upsidedown. so I did that and my shirt went to my shin and my whole chest everything the whole deal showed! LUCKILY, no one saw me other than my best friend so all is well I guess but it was really embarresing XD


Zombie Killer
A few weeks ago I was making a spicy sauce with jalapeños. I finished making it and continued eating my dinner, chilling the sauce in the fridge. My eye was a bit itchy so I rubbed my eye. 2 seconds later I realized I forgot to wash my hands. The jalapeño juices that dried up on my fingers ended up going into my eyes... I was crying over the sink for about 15 minutes.


Zombie Killer
My story is so typical D:
3 years ago i was in class 1 and i fell on my back because i had too many books in my backpack.
it was so embarrasing. Nobody remembers tho ._.


Zombie Killer
My story is so typical D:
3 years ago i was in class 1 and i fell on my back because i had too many books in my backpack.
it was so embarrasing. Nobody remembers tho ._.

Legend has it that _CreeperGirl died because no one helped her up. To this day she haunts people who walk past backpack turtles and don't help them get up.

There is no escape. The revenge cannot be sated. The hatred cannot be perished. The memories cannot be forgotten. She. is. _CreeperGirl.


Zombie Killer
Legend has it that _CreeperGirl died because no one helped her up. To this day she haunts people who walk past backpack turtles and don't help them get up.

There is no escape. The revenge cannot be sated. The hatred cannot be perished. The memories cannot be forgotten. She. is. _CreeperGirl.
You'd better help them up billy.
If you dont i'll make you wish you did.