The Snapcraft Teamspeak


Stone Miner
How come no one is ever and the snapcraft teamspeak?:
I think the server should make the motd "Go on our teamspeak"
I get really bored when iam in a game with a bunch of noobs(no offense) that dont provide a challenge to me and i dont have any1 to talk to.
So i really think the server should encourage people to go on the teamspeak server

(should this be in suggestions or not)


Zombie Killer
If the MoTD was "Go on our teamspeak" people might not join the server. It would be a little misleading and not direct.
People might not know about the teamspeak. I know I do, but I don't get on because I don't want to. A lot of people that know about it don't want to because they're either in a skype call or just don't like the fact that people all over snapcraft can hear them and what they're doing (and I'm a guy who doesn't want anyone knowing what I do)

"bunch of noobs" -darkknight 2k15
Not all the Snapcraft Players are noobs. Honestly, if you tried to 1v1 half of the players you'd die instantly. Snapcraft kitpvp may be easy, same with EG, but try a factions or survival server. You lose everything if you die, it's a lot harder to get back if you aren't super-OP.
Before you call a server a "bunch of noobs" please consider all the other servers you don't play, and all the players you don't know, because Dark, I guarantee you there's someone who will give you a good challenge online.


Zombie Killer
when i said "when iam in a game with a bunch of noobs" i mean when no body "good" is on the server iam on
And why did you spell my name

Is that supposed to be a basketball joke?

uh.. sure..?

How about you try a couple more servers? Survival Factions Kitpvp and Creative are too easy, and when I tried EG, I fell in love with the strategies and toughness of the gameplay. Usually, one side makes it harder for the other to get the chest, so, dependant on what side you're on, the blow-ups or the slow-starters, depends whether you get diamond or not.