TheOneDenz Goodbye.


First Step
Hey it's TheOneDenz you guys must know me for prisons and I have been perm banned so I would like to say my goodbyes to everybody. Thank you CosmoLegend for being nice to me and not killing me in pvp and counting me as one of your friends.
Thanks BadNoob for helping me out when I was in the low mines thank you alot.
Thanks Scan999 one of my best friends in that server you're a great guy man I will miss you on snapcraft.
Thanks MamiPeach for being my friend and welcoming me whenever I came online.
Thanks Conihero for helping me with mcmmo and being nice to me and not scamming me even though I thought you would of.
Thanks Coppinator for being a great guy hope you have a good time.
Thanks Active111 awesome guy one of my best friends there :).
Bye guys :-( hope you guys miss me.


To be frank, I'm not familiar with you, but it's quite sad to see a popular member of the community leave. Farewell, and best wishes for your future projects, your friends will miss you, but I'm sure they will join you on other servers. Goodbye. :)


Void Walker
I know I do not know you, but best of luck in your future.


Staff member
Gl in the future. Every now and then you can appeal and maybe we'll see you around again sometime! :)