translunar//Innermission Introduction :)


First Step

My name is translunar//Innermission. My real name is Murray, so if you see me i prefer to be called that. I love building in minecraft and I feel that im pretty decent at it. I have like no life at all, so I play minecraft most the day xD. Im just a no life 16 year old boy. Im not that interesting so I dont have much to say. Im quite a likable guy, but sometimes I can be immature, and I may come off as childish. Other than that, thanks for reading my post and I look forward to meeting new people.


(oh ye if you wanna judge my builds here ya go :) > )
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Gold Miner
Well welcome to the server that people ban you for no reason? Watch out if you have a brother that hacks. He can get your SnapCraft record up!!!


Tree Puncher
Welcome ;-)


Gold Miner
Welcome man, I like your build. It looks charming.


Zombie Killer
welcome, your build is cool. Dont get down on yourself, we all play minecraft for different reasons, I am sure your life is just fine. Coming off as childish is perfectly fine (this is a video game after all). Just always remember the rules and you will be fine. Glad to see you here.8-)


Skeleton Slayer
Welcome Murray :)


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! I love your building. I play Snapcraft almost everyday. I stopped playing when my mom mad at me. XD