Voting Doesn't Work?


Tree Puncher
How do you know that voting isn't working? Because I voted 12 hours ago and all was fine. Are you sure that you haven't miss clicked or incorrectly spelt something? The reason I say this is because I am always messing up my voting.
Maybe just double check next time and if the problems persist contact an admin


Zombie Killer
It's not working for me aswell, I voted on the 5 links and no reward (factions).


Zombie Killer
Voting works just fine for me and pretty much everyone else...

  • Capicha Answered?
  • Name (CaPSlOcK) Correct?
  • 'Submit' Button?
It should work, if you're voting once every 24 hours.
Votes aren't meant to just benefit you with keys, and various rewards. Votes are meant to help the server get out there so more people will be introduced to the network. Without new players, bringing in new donations, you can kiss Snapcraft goodbye.
Just because a vote doesn't give you a reward doesn't mean you shouldn't vote..


Obsidian Miner
Voting works just fine for me and pretty much everyone else...

  • Capicha Answered?
  • Name (CaPSlOcK) Correct?
  • 'Submit' Button?
It should work, if you're voting once every 24 hours.
Votes aren't meant to just benefit you with keys, and various rewards. Votes are meant to help the server get out there so more people will be introduced to the network. Without new players, bringing in new donations, you can kiss Snapcraft goodbye.
Just because a vote doesn't give you a reward doesn't mean you shouldn't vote..
No, it didn't register. I voted about 21 hours ago, and I didn't get it, I was still first (hehe), but the votes didn't come. I did all of things correct, so I don't see how it's possible I did any of the steps wrong. Also, the server gives rewards for a reason, most people wouldn't do it unless there's something benefiting them, and that's quite the fact.