What Will Sc Do?

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Enzo D

Stone Miner
Hello! I just noticed Mojang told us we can't accept mc server donations so we can't donate to sc and people can't donate to are servers (if we have one) so I was just wondering what will happen to sc?!
We'll I think Mojang have gone mad cause it does no difference to there life don't you agree they just want all the money so what will SNAPCRAFT do Mojang has a team of Loyars so what should sc do the only servers that are breaking the law are The H... and mine...
Sorry if I advertised!!

Best regards GOD
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Mr. Alon

Zombie Killer
well the EULA says the servers cant take money from bank accounts and stuff like that so i think SC is just going to bypass that by using other payment methods that don't take money directly from your bank account like pay through SMS which takes the money from your phone bill.
P.S: I'd offer you remove that server names before staff sees it and ban you from the forums.


Iron Miner
Thread locked to stop the spread of panic. Please do not create more threads regarding this issue. Snapcraft will not close anytime soon, and all existing donators will keep all their ranks and perks.
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